Physics 532/822 – Fundamentals of  Photonics                                     Spring 2005

Instructor:  Wenhui Li      email:
Office:  Phys 104               Phone:  924-6599

Phys 532/822  will explain the fundamental physics of lasers and some of the optical techniques used with laser beams. It is intended to provide a practical basis for further work in the field. As lasers are used in a variety of disciplines, the course will be directed towards students from a broad range of backgrounds.  

The division between 532 and 822 is meant to handle the variation in backgrounds. Physics graduate students are suggested to enroll in 822, and other students in 532. Please inform me with exceptions to this policy. Students in 822 will be given some additional homework problems,  and will be graded on a separate curve.

Class Hours:   MWF 10:00-10:50 AM, Phys 313
Office Hours:  Wednesday 2-4 PM, or by appointment, or just drop by

Text:  Saleh and Teich,    Fundamentals of Photonics

Supplemental texts: ( on reserve in Physics Library)
                       Yariv,   Quantum Electronics    (general photonics, more advanced)
                       Seigman,   Lasers   (good physical explanations, also advanced topics)
                       Hecht,   Optics   (optics fundamantels)


Reading Topics


Homework Assignments (and exam solutions)