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Rutherford Scattering in Classical Mechanics

Assume the scattering center to be infinitely massive, and represented by a potential energy term:

\begin{displaymath}V(r) = \frac{Z z e^2}{r} \end{displaymath}

where $Z$ is the number of protons in the target nucleus, and $z$ is the number of protons in the beam nucleus, e.g. $z=2$ for the $\alpha$ particle.

Among the conserved quantities for the scattering process, Rutherford noticed that there was also $\epsilon$, the so-called $Runge-Lenz$ vector also used in the description of Kepler laws:

\begin{displaymath}\epsilon = \frac{-1}{Z z e^2 m} {\bf L} \times {\bf p} + \frac{\bf r}{r} \end{displaymath}

${\bf L}$ being the angular momentum, and ${\bf p}$ the momentum. By taking the dot product of $\epsilon$ with ${\bf r}$, one has:

\begin{displaymath}\epsilon \cdot {\bf r} \equiv \epsilon r cos \phi
\frac{L^2}{Z z m e^2} + r \end{displaymath}

This equation can be identified with the polar equation for a hyperbola of eccentricity $\epsilon$:

\begin{displaymath}r = \frac{ (- L^2/Z z me^2)}{1 - \epsilon \cos \phi} \end{displaymath}

The angle between the asymptotes of the hyperbola is then defined by taking the poles in the denominator, as:

\begin{displaymath}\sin \theta/2 = 1/\epsilon \end{displaymath}

From this, noticing that the impact parameter, or the distance between the scattering center and the asymptotic direction of the particle, is:

\begin{displaymath}b= \frac{L}{\sqrt{2mE}} \end{displaymath}

$E$ being the kinetic+potential energy of the particle, one obtaines the following relation between $b$ and $\theta$:

\begin{displaymath}b = \frac{z Ze^2/2E}{\tan \theta/2} \end{displaymath}

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Simonetta Liuti 2005-09-12