Spring 2001 Course Rules

 Problem Sets:

  1. Each problem set must be submittted by email to me before 11:00 pm on the day that it is due. If you need to make a picture, use the appropriate software and send an attachment. If you choose your words carefully, you should not need pictures to explain how things work.
  2. Problem sets may be discussed together but you must write them up separately and in your own words.
  3. Problem set 1 is due Mon. Feb  12,  2001, before 11 PM

  4. Problem set 2 is due Fri. Mar 2,  2001, before 11 PM
    Problem set 3 is due Mon. Apr  2,  2001, before 11 PM
    Problem set 4 is due Fri. May 4, 2001, before 11 PM
    I will deduct 10% of the numerical grade for each day a problem set is late. Once the solutions have been posted on the fifth day, the problem sets are no longer acceptable under any circumstances.

Create Exam:

    Due Friday, April 20, 2001. An exam that you write consisting of 25 multiple choice questions with 3 wrong answers and 1 right answer. You are to  follow these guidelines:

    The exam will be graded based on:
        i.    how well your questions test the knowledge of the student taking the exam
        ii.   how well you follow the rules given below for making up good questions and answers
        iii.  Proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation

    1. Make up 25 multiple choice questions with three wrong answers and one best answer.

    2. Construct your questions from the physics on the video tapes from Lecture 19 to 29 (Textbook chapters 5, 6 and 7). Do not copy questions from your book or any other book or from previous years.

    3. Wrong answers should not be obviously wrong. The "wrong" answers should be such that they need to be carefully considered before rejecting due to some physics reason.

    4. The level of physics tested should be set at the level of the PHYS585 class that you are currently taking.

    5. Personalize your questions so I know you made them up. Use situations in your class room or with your family to make up your question and answers.

    6. No time limit

    7. Due April 20, 2001 before 11 pm.

    8. Each answer is worth 2 pts. and each question 4pts. So each problem is worth 12 pts. Total number of  points on exam is 12 x 25 = 274.

    9. Some of the best questions will be selected for the final exam. Therefore, don't  show or discuss with each other your questions and answers until the final exam has been taken (May 7).


  1. If you don't meet the submission deadline for the exams without prior permission from me, you will receive a score of zero for that exam. There are no exceptions except if WebAssign goes down or for fully documented medical emergencies that prevent you from telephoning me or the physics department. In case of a family emergency you must notify me at (804)982-2691 before the end of the exam.

Revised November 29, 2000.