Name__________________________________________ Date_________________
Home Mailing Address_________________________________________________
School Name and Address_______________________________________________
School Telephone____________________ Home Telephone____________________
Fax Number________________________ Email Address______________________
Position Held with grade level____________________________________________
College Attended_____________________________ Highest Degree Attained_____
College Science Courses Taken___________________________________________
Science Workshops, Conferences Attended__________________________________
Reasons for Wanting to Attend this Workshop ________________________________
Although it is not required for you to have a letter of reference sent to us, we will use letters to decide on acceptance if too many applications are received.
I would like to attend the 1997 Summer Workshop on Science SOLs at UVa from July
7-25, 1997. I understand that I will be required
to present an in-service activity at my local school and attend
the follow-up session in March, 1998.
Mail completed application and letter of reference by May 5, 1997 to Dr. Stephen Thornton, Department of Physics, McCormick Road, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22901.