A "Hands-On" Summer Workshop for K-6 Teachers to Integrate Science SOLs


Dates and Location:

July 7-25, 1997; 9 a.m.-3:45 p.m. Monday-Friday. Follow-up class on Saturday, March 7, 1998. Class held in Room 22, Physics Building, UVa, Charlottesville.


Teachers will not be required to take this class for credit and will pay no tuition. Recertification points are available. Teachers may register for 3 hours course credit (Physics 611), but are then responsible for tuition of $498. Teachers who have previously taken Physics 611 are not eligible.


Teachers will complete the three week summer workshop, develop and perform an in-service integrated science activity at their local school between August 1, 1997 and March 1, 1998, and attend the follow-up day in March, 1998 to discuss the in-service activities.

Stipend Pay:

The total teacher stipend is $960. Teachers will be paid a stipend of $800 upon completion of the summer workshop and an additional stipend of $160 upon completion of their in-service activity and follow-up workshop in March, 1998.


Physics Professor Stephen Thornton of UVa, Elizabeth Crabtree of Charlottesville's Clark Elementary, Becky Fisher of Albemarle County Instructional Technology.

Fill out and return the attached application by May 5, 1997. Call Dr. Stephen Thornton of UVa physics at 804/924-6808 for further information. Sponsored by the federal Dwight D. Eisenhower Professional Development Program through the State Council of Higher Education in Virginia, the UVa Institute for Nuclear and Particle Physics, and the UVa Center for Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Education.