Activity H1.2: How quickly can you melt an ice cube?
(Design Activity)
Your group's task will be to melt an ice cube as fast as
1. WHAT'S YOUR IDEA? Describe the approach you will use.
2. WHAT ARE THE GROUP'S IDEAS? Discuss the approaches that
other members of your group plan to use.
After the signal from the instructor, carry out your plan.
Raise your hand when your cube has completely melted.
3. MAKING SENSE: What techniques were most successful? Why?
Discuss this with your group.
In your own words!
What is heat?
What is temperature?
Compare your definitions with others in your group. What are
the similarities and differences between definitions?
Investigation H3: Conservation
of Energy
Model Development
Activity H3.1: Can you predict the temperature?
(Laboratory Activity)
1. WHAT'S YOUR IDEA? Predict in advance of carrying out the
experiment, the final temperatures of the following mixes of
water. The mixes of water that could be used are:
a) equal amounts at equal temperatures
b) equal amounts at unequal temperatures
c) unequal amounts at equal temperatures
d) unequal amounts at unequal temperatures.
2. WHAT ARE THE GROUP'S IDEAS? Compare your prediction with
others in your group.
Now that you have predicted the final temperatures, you should
determine the actual values from carrying out the experiment.
3. MAKING SENSE: Develop a rule to enable you to predict the
final temperature of mixtures of various amounts of water at
various temperatures.
What evidence can you offer that your rule works?
What rules did other groups come up with?
4. WHAT'S YOUR IDEA? From your mixing observations, can you
tell which parts of your mixtures gained or lost heat energy?
Can you tell if the cooler water gained warmth, or the warm
water gained cold?
Investigation H5: Other Forms of
Activity H5.3: Systems and Energy of Position and Motion
(Seat Activity)
1. WHAT'S YOUR IDEA? Investigate each of the following systems
testing the hypothesis. Write your observations, conclusions, and
reasons for each system. Discuss your conclusions and reasoning
with your classmates.
Pairs of magnets:
Lifting a pencil:
Simple pendulum:
Mechanical toy:
Inflating a balloon:
Popping a cork:
Electric motor:
2. WHAT'S YOUR IDEA? Does light also have energy? Write your
answer and reasoning.
3. WHAT ARE THE GROUP'S IDEAS? Discuss your answer with your