University of Virginia Department of Physics

Physics 640: Physics Pedagogy
An On-line Course for Teachers of Physics

Course Overview

Comprehensive Conceptual Curriculum for Physics (C3P)

C3P Project Goal:

To produce and disseminate a comprehensive conceptually based physics curriculum for all high schools, usable by all teachers, and effective for all students.

C3P's Enhanced Learning Cycle:

  • Hands-on, model-building, computer simulations, group activities
  • Interactive presentations, videos, lecture, simulations
  • Real-life use of concepts, problem solving, decision making connections to technologies

View the program's project summary and overview.

Visit the C3P Home Page for more information.

Follow these directions to view the C3P demo:

  1. Click here to open the demo.
  2. Select "Habits of the Mind" (will open a menu of options. Only a few are on this CD)
  3. Go to the 2nd arrow ( and click (this will take you to a sample lesson plan/cycle)
  4. Scroll to the bottom of page 1 (there will be a learning cycle including: Exploratory, Concept Development, and Application). The items are numbered and the pink "numbers" will connect you to that document.
  5. Click on H006. This will bring up a document called "Learning Styles Self Test". This is an exploratory activity.
  6. Other documents can be viewed in the same way. There are documents on the 2nd and 4th arrow for Habits of the Mind as well as cycle 4 in Energy.
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