University of Virginia Department of Physics

Physics 641: Physics Pedagogy
An On-line Course for Teachers of Physics

Course Overview
Open Portfolio

Week 6: Laboratories I


  1. Read the AAPT position paper on The Role of Laboratory Activities in High School Physics (3 pages). Click here (pdf format).
  2. Read the AAPT position paper on the Goals of the Introductory Physics Laboratory (4 pages). Click here (pdf format).
  3. Read the NSTA of their new position statement on labs, The Integral Role of Laboratory Investigations in Science Instruction.
  4. Read the article on Teaching Measurement in the Introductory Physics Laboratory (8 pages). Click here (pdf format).
  5. Read the UVa article on Error Analysis (10 pages). Click here (Word format).
  6. Read the Executive Summary of "America's Lab Report: Investigations in High School Science" (12 pages). Click here (PDF format). The entire report is also available to read online here.