Physics 641: Physics Pedagogy
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Week 1: Overview of Course and Introduction to the Nature of Science (NOS)Overview of CourseRead Professor Thornton's short introduction to the course.Nature of Science (NOS)Read the following five articles from the November 2004 publication of The Science Teacher (These articles are all in PDF format). These articles are also available on the CD-ROM and are listed by the title and author.
Read the article "The Nature of Science and Instructional Practice: Making the Unnatural Natural", by Abd-el-Khalick, Bell and Lederman (labeled "NOSpaper" on the CD-ROM). Please be aware that this file is rather large (1.3 MB) to download if you have a slower connection to the Internet. Click here to obtain the Mystery Tube Template. Print it out. View the lecture by Douglas Toti on the Nature of Science. The entire lecture is 1 hour 5 minutes and is found on the course CD. You may skip over the section from 6 min, 10 seconds until 51 minutes, 0 seconds, because the tenets or key ideas of the Nature of Science covered in that section of the lecture are well covered in the papers you have read. The seven tenets of the Nature of Science, according to the lecture, can be found here. AssignmentReflection on Mystery Tube |