University of Virginia Department of Physics

Physics 641: Physics Pedagogy
An On-line Course for Teachers of Physics

Course Overview
Open Portfolio

Week 3: Listservs

Assignment 1

Look over each of the discussion groups below and decide which one you would like to join. You must join an appropriate discussion group of your choice and add a comment of at least 200 words. This comment must be added to the actual Listserv that you join and then uploaded again into Open Portfolio. Note that it may not be possible to join the PIRA group in time to add a comment, because it requires snailmail. You would have to do it well before Week 3 begins. Give us the name and URL for the discussion group and a brief statement as to why you chose it. Also include your comment. Much of the information below was copied and slightly edited from the various websites. An appropriate list of discussion groups includes:
  1. CTP-L, Teacher Preparation Committee of the AAPT. Comments in this discussion group or listserv of 350 people sometimes strays far away from the committee's purpose, so please do not stray too far from teacher preparation. CTP-L is an open list so anyone can read messages even if not subscribed. You may join here. Once you are a member you may read past messages or use the web form to post one by inputting your email and leaving the password blank and you should get in. The chair of the group told me "It would be good to have a few more teacher voices so I would have no problem with them joining as long as they understand the purpose of the list AND that anything they post will go to over 350 folks."
  2. PHYSHARE Physhare is a non-moderated listserv dedicated to secondary physics education. Anyone is welcome to join and participate. There are close to 400 members from all over the world. Topics of discussion on this listserv generally concern physics and/or education, especially in the physics classroom. There may be discussion about products but there is a deep dislike among most members for there to be solicitations of products on this list. It is acceptable to post about known job openings or likely openings. You can join by going to their homepage.
  3. PHYS-L PHYS-L is a list dedicated to physics and the teaching of physics with about 700 members from over 35 countries, the majority of whom are physics educators. Traffic varies from zero to sixty messages/day with an average of about ten per day. All postings are archived. Noninflammatory, professional and courteous postings intended to inform members on how to better understand, teach and learn physics are always welcome. The main home page is found here. You may join by going here.
  4. PIRA The PIRA organization has been in effect since 1985 and was created to aid Physics Teachers with demonstration and laboratory information. Teachers of all levels can join and use the resources available. These resources include, but are not limited to, a demonstration classification scheme (DCS), an email listserv (TAP-L), a web ring of Physics Education websites (PIRA Webring) and a listing of the top 200 demonstrations we recommend (PIRA 200). You may find out more information about PIRA here. You may join PIRA by going here. The cost is $10.
Upload your chosen Listserv, reason for joining it, and comments for Assignment 1 into Open Portfolio as HW5. The comment is due Monday, February 12, 2007, 5 am. Please remember that your comment must also be uploaded into the actual Listserv for the community to read.

Assignment 2

You have read for the Reading assignment this week a series of comments about eight Trends in the AAPT discussion group CTP-L (or listserv). We want you to choose one of Trends 2, 3, or 6 and write a comment of at least 400 words that would be appropriate for this listserv. It can be a rebuttal, new information, etc. Upload your comments for Assignment 2 into Open Portfolio as HW6. You do not actually submit this comment to the CTP-L; you only include it in Open Portfolio. The comment is due Monday, February 12, 2007, 5 am.

Go to Syllabus for Week 3