Physics 751 Homework # 11


Due Wednesday, December 3.



1. A spin-1/2 system is in the eigenstate of the operator  with the largest possible eigenvalue.  Find the probability that a measurement of Sz gives .



2. A spin-1/2 object is in an eigenstate of Sx with eigenvalue  at time t = 0, the moment when a magnetic field B = B k is turned on (k being the unit vector in the z-direction, as usual).  At time T the field is suddenly switched to B = B j.  Another time interval T  passes, and Sx is measured.  With what probability will the value  be found?



3. Find the matrix representation of the operators Jz, Jx, and Jy in the  basis for angular momentum 3/2.



4. An angular momentum system  j = 1 is in the state




What is the probability that a measurement of Jx of this system will yield zero?




Shankar: 14.4.6, 15.1.2, 15.2.5.