Physics 751 Homework #3

Due Friday September 26, 11:00 am.


1.         (a) If U and V are unitary, is UV unitary?  Prove your result.


(b) If A and B are Hermitian, is AB Hermitian?  Prove your result.


2. If H is Hermitian, prove


            (a) U = eiH is unitary,


            (b) that log det U = iTrH.


3. Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Pauli matrices



Write down explicitly the unitary matrix that diagonalizes sx.  Can these two Hermitian matrices sx , sy be diagonalized simultaneously?  Explain.


4.         (a) Regarding use your result from problem 3  to write down its eigenvectors and eigenvalues.


(b)  Find another form for U by expanding the exponential and summing the series to give well-known functions.  (We shall be using this result later.)


5. Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of


and construct the unitary matrix which diagonalizes Lx.


6. Prove that both the determinant and the trace of a Hermitian matrix are unchanged in a unitary transformation, and hence find simple expressions for them in terms of the eigenvalues.  (You may assume detAB = detA×detB.)