Physics 861, Solid State Physics
Fall 2002

Pre-requisites: Graduate-level quantum mechanics, statistical physics, and electromagnetism; an introductory solid state course comparable to PHYS 562, or willingness to read on your own some material from Chapters 1 to 8 and 19 to 23 of Ashcroft and Mermin.

Class Meetings: Tuesday and Thursday, 11:00 - 12:15, Room 210, Physics Building.

Outline: We will be studying various phenomena in condensed matter systems. Most of the material is covered (according to the syllabus) in books on reserve. Copies of lecture notes will be also provided as we go along.

Office Hours: Monday and Thursday, 2-3 p.m., in Room 311D of Physics Building.

Contacting Instructor: Office phone (434) 924-6573, e-mail:

Course Work and Grading:

  1. Weekly homeworks consisting of 3-5 problems (20%).
  2. Two preliminary exams (20% each).
  3. Final Exam (40%).
  4. Policy on make-up: