Physics 861 - Fall 00

Sample questions from earlier years

NOTE: Elasticity and p-n junctions were not covered

1. Identical point particles of mass m are placed at the sites of a very long one-dimensional lattice of period a. The corresponding mass density $\rho (x)$ is a periodic function that can be expanded in the Fourier series
\rho (x)=\sum_{n=-\infty }^{\infty }\rho _{n}\,e^{iG_{n}x}
\end{displaymath} (1)

2. For a very long one-dimensional lattice of period a consisting of atoms of mass m connected by springs between nearest neighbors having spring constant K,

3. The attached sheet shows phonon dispersion curves for CuCl, CuBr, and Pb. For each figure

4. Verify that the positions of the electron resonances in Figure 28.9b of Ashcroft and Mermin are consistent with the electron effective masses given for silicon on page 569 and the formulas (28.6) and (28.8).

What is the expected position of the electron cyclotron resonances in silicon if the magnetic field is in the (100) direction?

5. Estimate $\left\langle u^{2}\right\rangle $ and $\left\langle \exp (-iqu)\right\rangle $ for the one-dimensional monatomic chain of problem 2, at reasonably high temperatures. Why do you need to assume that the chain has finite length L to get a finite answer? Explain why your formula is valid at temperatures that are neither too low nor too high.

6. Solve the Schrödinger equation for an electron in crossed electric and magnetic fields. Take the magnetic field along z and the electric field along x or y. Use the Landau gauge.

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Vittorio Celli