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Homework 5

1) Write the quark components for Adler's, (unpolarized) Bjorken's, Gross Llewellyn-Smith's, and Gottfried Sum Rules, and briefly explain the physical meaning of each sum rule.

2)Derive an expression for the ratio $R=\sigma_L/\sigma_T$, by using the Breit frame: $q_\mu \equiv (0; {\bf0}, -2xP)$ (notation as from class), and taking the initial parton with momentum components: $k_\mu \equiv (k_o; {\bf k}_\perp, xP)$, that is with a transverse momentum component. No radiative corrections are considered.

3) This assigment requires the usage of the Web. By going to the site: The Durham HEP Databases choose one of the parametrizations (MRST, etc.), and construct one of the structure functions discussed in class (from either neutrino or electron/muon scattering). Graph the function, and its flavor singlet and flavor non-singlet components (if any).

Simonetta Liuti 2005-03-18