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  1. Jan. 25th and 27th: Introduction - Scattering of electrons from a pointlike target Ch. 1, Sec 2.1

  2. Feb.1st and 3rd: Deep Inelastic Scattering and the Quark Parton Model (QPM) Ch. 4

  3. Feb. 8th and 10th: QPM and Perturbative-QCD Ch. 4

  4. Feb 15th and 17th: Phenomenology: Sum Rules and Unpolarized Scattering Sec. 4.4, 4.5; Polarized Scattering Sec. 4.4, 4.5.

  5. Feb. 22nd and 24th: Phenomenology: DI neutrino scattering; small x physics Sec. 4.3, 4.7

  6. Mar. 1st and 3rd: Elastic Electron Nucleon Scattering Ch. 2.
  7. Mar. 8th and 10th: SPRING BREAK

  8. Mar. 15th and 17th: Generalized (or Off-Forward) Parton Distributions Sec. 4.8 .

  9. Mar. 22th and 29th: Elements of QCD Ch. 5 .

  10. April: Non Perturbative QCD Topic TBA

The dates on this Syllabus are tentative and could be varied as the course develops.

Simonetta Liuti 2003-01-18