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PHYSICS 872: Nuclear Physics II
Course Organization

The course will be based on some introductory lectures followed by some active work on the students side which could include for instance some more detailed research, a small calculation etc.. The results of this work will be discussed in class and the remaining questions will be further analysed and explained. Once the subject is covered to a satisfactory level, I will summarize it in a final lecture. The proposed subjects are part of the material discussed in the textbook and in other books on the reserved shelves. A tentative list of topics chosen by the students follows:

The course has a very flexible structure in the intent of resembling a ``working group'' with a more active students' participation.

Homework will be based on web searches, and study of current articles. Cooperation among students on the homework is recommended.

The final exam will be a take home report on one of the topics discussed in class.

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Simonetta Liuti