\1cw Version 3.10-á-11/11/88 \U1STANDARD \U2SMALL \U3ITALIC \U4BOLD \U6SYMBOL \U7GREEK \U8LINEDRAW \U9MATHI \U0MATHII \U!UNDERLIN \U"ORATOR \pPL 132 \pPF 1 \pTF 2 \pRM 69 \pLM 5 \pTM 3 \pBM 12 \pPI 0 \pQU 1 \pJU 1 \pHS 1 \pDS 0 \pEN 0 \pSP 0 \pTA 4 10 19 29 44 59 64 \pPS 1 \pTS 1 \FD \+ \, \+ \3Intelligent Layman's Guide to Radon\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \[\1p. \@\, \= \+ \^\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \"The Intelligent Layman's Guide to Radon\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \^\, \+ \, \+ \^\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \4Abstract\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \^\, \+ \, \+ \1Radon is a radioactive gas ("noble" gas) produced by \ the \ radioactive \+ decay of naturally occurring uranium traces in the soil. \ Because \ it \+ is chemically inert it is odorless and tasteless. Since uranium \ is \ a \+ common element, radon is everywhere in our environment. \, \+ \, \+ Recently environmentalists have begun to worry that because of the way \+ houses are constructed, radon can concentrate in cellars and basements \+ to a level many times that found outdoors. This is more-or-less \ inde-\A \+ pendent of whether the house is of modern "air-tight" or older "leaky" \+ construction.\, \+ \, \+ The household accumulation of radon gas can lead to elevated \ exposure \+ to nuclear radiation, compared with living in \ a \ tree, \ for \ example. \+ This talk aims to discuss how concerned you should be about this.\, \+ \, \+ \, \+ A. What is radiation?\, \+ \, \+ \ \ \ \ Radiation is a generic term that \ describes \ particles \ travelling \+ \ \ \ \ from one point in space to another. All such particles carry ener-\A \+ \ \ \ \ gy that they can transmit to any matter they collide with. We \ are \+ \ \ \ \ interested in the effects of various types of radiation on \ living \+ \ \ \ \ creatures, especially ourselves.\, \+ \, \+ \ \ \ \ Sometimes the particles making up radiation collide with the \ mat-\A \+ \ \ \ \ ter of a living organism. Then, depending on how much energy \ they \+ \ \ \ \ transmit, they can interfere with the functioning of \ living \ tis-\A \+ \ \ \ \ sue. The processes of life are carried on by \ chemical \ reactions, \+ \ \ \ \ in which complex molecules are \ produced, \ taken \ apart \ or \ rear-\A \+ \ \ \ \ ranged. The precise order of these reactions is \ very \ important, \+ \ \ \ \ so if they get disrupted the living cell could die \ or \ be \ trans-\A \+ \ \ \ \ formed in some way. One type of transformation that does not \ kill \+ \ \ \ \ the cell occurs when it becomes cancerous. \, \+ \, \+ \ \ \ \ If an injured cell dies outright there is no problem \6-= \ \1our \ body \+ \ \ \ \ replaces it. This happens all the time in our bodies. \ Of \ course, \+ \ \ \ \ if too many cells die before they can be \ replaced, \ then \ \!we \ \1get \+ \ \ \ \ sick or die. However, a cell that is transformed to a cancer \ cell \+ \ \ \ \ is dangerous. If our defense mechanisms do not detect and kill it \+ \ \ \ \ right away, it can reproduce and form a potentially lethal tumor. \, \+ \, \+ \ \ \ \ I will now classify various familiar types of radiation \ according \+ \ \ \ \ to their effects on human beings. The more energy the particles of \+ \ \ \ \ radiation transmit to our living cells, the more effect \ they \ can \+ \ \ \ \ have. We classify them according to increasing energy per particle \+ \ \ \ \ because this is the same as listing them according \ to \ increasing \+ \ \ \ \ danger.\, \+ \, \+ \, \+ 1. Kinds of radiation, classified by \ increasing \ energy/particle. \, \+ \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "Penetrating" means radiation like x-rays that pass through our \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ skin, "non-penetrating" radiation is stopped at our skin.\, \+ \, \+ a) Electromagnetic spectrum:\, \+ \, \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Non-penetrating and not biologically active:\, \+ \, \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \[radio\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \[TV, radar, microwave ovens\, \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ infrared \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \[Heat lamps, radiant heaters, wood stoves\, \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ visible light \ \ \ \[Sun, artificial lights\, \+ \, \+ \, \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Non-penetrating, but biologically active:\, \+ \, \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ultraviolet\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \[UV tanning lights, Sun\, \+ \, \+ \, \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Penetrating (depth depends on energy), biologically active:\, \+ \, \+ \0) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \1x-rays\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \[x-ray machines (doctors, dentists)\, \+ \0} \1same \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \7g\1-rays\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \[radioactive decays, cosmic rays\, \+ \, \+ \00 \, \+ \1b) Alpha particles:\ \ \[Penetrating, very bio-active.\, \+ \, \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \[Nuclei of helium atoms. Produced in \ radioactive \ decays \ of \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ heavy elements, they have enough energy to disrupt \ about \ 5 \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ million molecules. \, \+ \+ \, \+ \, \+ c) Beta rays:\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \[Short-range, bioactive.\, \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \[Electrons emitted in radioactive decays. Can \ disrupt \ about \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 million molecules.\, \+ \, \+ d) Cosmic rays:\ \ \ \ \ \ \[Extremely penetrating, bio-active.\, \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \[Extremely energetic hydrogen nuclei from outer \ space. \ Part \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ of the background radioactivity that we experience \ all \ the \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ time. There is no way to shield agains them. \, \+ \, \+ \, \+ 2. How can radiation harm you?\, \+ \, \+ a) Microwave ovens emit radio waves at \ wavelengths \ especially \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ absorbed by water molecules. That \ is, \ the \ molecules \ act \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ like little radio receivers \ "tuned" \ to \ these \ "stations". \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ They absorb energy from the powerful radio beam and heat up. \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Thus a leaky microwave oven can give you ordinary burns from \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ too much heat \6-= \1the same effect is used in surgical RF cur-\A \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ettes. \, \+ \, \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ A microwave signal leaking out of a defective oven, or \ from \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ standing too close to a radar transmitter can interfere with \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ the delicate electronics of a pacemaker and injure \ a \ heart \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ patient. But microwaves will \!not \1give you \ cancer \ or \ cause \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ genetic mutations.\, \+ \, \+ b) UV lamp or too much \ sun: \ "burns" \ to \ skin \ from \ chemical \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ damage. Possible skin \ cancer \ from \ long-term \ exposure \ in \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ people with low pigmentation. No genetic \ mutations \ because \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ it doesn't penetrate past skin.\, \+ \, \+ c) Ionizing radiation from radioactive decays or \ cosmic \ rays: \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ energetic \7a\1, \7b \1or \7g \1rays pass through matter and knock elec-\A \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ trons loose from atoms, causing unusual chemical \ reactions. \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Damage to \ tissues, \ esp. \ chromosomes. \ When \ we \ speak \ of \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ hazardous radiation we usually mean this \ kind \ of \ ionizing \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ radiation, not radio waves, heat lamps or UV rays.\, \+ \, \+ \+ 3. Measures of nuclear radiation dosage.\, \+ \, \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ The amount of damage done by ionizing radiation \ is \ determined \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ by how much energy it deposits per kilogram of \ living \ tissue, \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ because that tells us approximately how many chemical reactions \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ it can cause (of which some small fraction will be dangerous to \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ the living cell). \, \+ \, \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ We measure dosage in \4Rad\1's. This is equivalent in \ most \ cases \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ to the more common unit, the \4REM \1(\4R\1adiation \4E\1quivalent \4M\1ammal): \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ a measure of energy delivered \ per \ kilogram \ of \ tissue. \ Most \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ doses, say \ from \ natural \ backgound \ radioactivity, \ are \ much \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ smaller than 1 \4REM\1, so we measure for convenience in 1/1000 of \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ a \4REM\1, or milli\4REM\1. For those who have \ to \ know \ the \ details, \+ \+ \2-5 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \11\6t\1milli\4REM\6t\1=\6t\110\ \ J/Kg. \, \+ \, \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ For comparison, a whole-body radiation dose that kills \ 50% \ of \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ those exposed from acute radiation sickness is about \ 400 \ \4REM\1, \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ or about 200-300 Joules of energy. A 0.22 caliber bullet deliv-\A \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ers about 135 J, and also kills about 50% of those hit in vital \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ areas of the body.\, \+ \, \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ However, we will be talking about very \ small \ radiation \ doses \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ that do not cause any detectable effects on the human body.\, \+ \, \+ \, \+ B. What is radon?\, \+ \, \+ \ \ \ \ Radon is a chemically unreactive gas ("noble" gas) produced by the \+ \ \ \ \ radioactive decay of naturally occurring \ uranium \ traces \ in \ the \+ \ \ \ \ soil. Because it is chemically inert it is \ odorless \ and \ taste-\A \+ \ \ \ \ less. Since uranium is a common element, radon \ is \ everywhere \ in \+ \ \ \ \ our environment. Since it is a gas, it is inhaled with the air we \+ \ \ \ \ breathe. While it is inside our lungs, any radon atoms that under-\A \+ \ \ \ \ go radioactive decay expose lung tissue to ionizing radiation that \+ \ \ \ \ can lead to lung cancer. Later in the talk I will try to estimate \+ \ \ \ \ the hazard from this exposure so you will know how much to worry. \, \+ \, \+ \2238 \ \ \ \ \11. Radioactive decay chain of \ \ \ U, the uranium in the soil:\, \+ \, \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \[R.B. Leighton, \3Principles of \ Modern \ Physics \ \1(McGraw-Hill, \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1959) Fig. 15.3.\, \+ \, \+ \2222 206 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \1Decay of \ \ \ Rn to \ \ \ Pb releases about 17 MeV of energy \ \3via \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \1the chain of shorter-lived decay products. \, \+ \, \+ 2. Other naturally-occurring radioactivity\, \+ \, \+ \, \+ C. How is the effect of ionizing radiation on human beings determined?\, \+ \, \+ \ \ \ \ At very low doses, ionizing radiation produces \!no \1effect on \ human \+ \ \ \ \ beings or other living organisms detectible with present \ biomedi-\A \+ \ \ \ \ cal technology. Everything we can say about \ low-level \ radiation \+ \ \ \ \ is based on \!extrapolation \1downward from \ known \ effects \ of \ large \+ \ \ \ \ doses. To help you understand what "small" and "large" mean, \ the \+ \ \ \ \ average background radiation dose (from the environment being nat-\A \+ \ \ \ \ urally radioactive) is about 170 m\4REM\1/year to each person \ in \ the \+ \ \ \ \ United States. On the other hand, \, \+ \, \+ 1. High-level dosage (\9>\6t\110 \4REM\6t\1=\6t\110,000 m\4REM\1)\, \+ \, \+ a) Data from Hiroshima & Nagasaki survivors\, \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 23,979 survivors who got \9>\6t\1130\6t\4REM\, \+ \1b) Data from nuclear reactor accidents and fallout victims\, \+ c) Data from x-ray and radiation therapy\, \+ \, \+ 2. Low-level dosage\, \+ a) Data from Uranium miners\, \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 4,146 miners who got 468 \4REM \1over about 20 years \ of \ expos-\A \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ure; the excess of 119 lung cancer deaths \ translates \ to \ a \+ \2-7 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \1probability of 10\ \ /m\4REM\1, in agreement with other \ estimates \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ of cancer induction based on the linear hypothesis.\, \+ \, \+ b) Uranium miners & smoking\, \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Most of the miners were heavy smokers. There is a known syn-\A \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ergy between radon exposure and \ smoking \ that \ greatly \ in-\A \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ creases the chance of lung cancer for a \ smoker \ exposed \ to \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ radon, over that of an ordinary smoker. \ For \ a \ non-smoker \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ there is actually no known effect of low-level radon \ expos-\A \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ure. To be conservative, we usually assume the worst.\, \+ \, \+ c) Experiments on lab animals and tissue cultures\, \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ All such experiments consistent with a "threshold" effect.\, \+ \, \+ d) Natural background doses\, \+ 1) Variations with locale: 100-300 mR/yr is typical range in \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ US. \, \+ \, \+ 2) Correlation with health effects: essentially \ nonexistent \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ or anti-correlated! Colorado has \ higher \ background \ and \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \!lower \1cancer rates than \ Louisiana, \ \3e.g. \ \1Radiation \ is \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ good for you!\, \+ \, \+ 3. Repair mechanisms and "dosage threshold".\, \+ \, \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Since we are exposed to background radiation all the time, \ and \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ since there is little cancer observed from it, or harmful muta-\A \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ tions, biologists infer that various \ repair \ and \ "correction" \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ mechanisms exist. This means that the result of \ low-level \ ex-\A \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ posure will be \!less \1than predicted \ by \ extrapolating \ linearly \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ downward from the high-dose results. This is \!confirmed \1by \ epi-\A \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ demiological studies and by lab-animal/tissue culture studies.\, \+ \,\/ \+ 4. How does this translate \ to \ chances \ of \ getting \ cancer \ from \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ radon?\, \+ \, \+ \2-12 10 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \11 pC is 10\ \ \ \6t\9*\6t\13.7\9*\110\ \ /sec\, \+ \, \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Lung \ capacity \ is \ \6t\9~\6t\12\6t\1Liters, \ and \ assume \ the \ dose \ is \+ \+ \22 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \1delivered to 4\7p\1R\ t where R\6t\9~\6t\110\6t\1cm, t\6t\9~\6t\10.025\6t\1cm \ of \ tissue, \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \6t\9~\6t\10.031\6t\1Kg. The EPA standard is 4\6t\1pCi/L.\, \+ \, \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ This gives an estimated dose of\, \+ \, \+ \27 -2 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \13.2\9*\110\ \6t\1sec/yr\6t\9*\6t\12\6t\1L\6t\9*\6t\14\6t\1pCi/L\6t\9*\6t\13.7\9*\110\ \ /sec/pC\6t\9*\6t\117\6t\1MeV\, \+ \+ \2-13 -5 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \6t\9*\6t\11.6\9*\110\ \ \ \6t\1J/MeV/0.031\6t\1Kg/10\ \ \6t\9~\6t\190\6t\1m\4REM\1/yr\, \+ \, \+ \2-7 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \1The chance of getting cancer from 1 mR \ is \ \9<\6t\11.25\9*\110\ \ \ ac-\A \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ cording to the linear hypothesis. Thus 90 m\4REM\1/yr translates \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ to\, \+ \, \+ \26 -7 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \[\1250\9*\110\ \6t\9*\6t\190\6t\9*\6t\11.25\9*\110\ \ \6t\9~\6t\13000 cancers/yr\, \+ \, \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ The EPA estimate 5,000-20,000 \ cancers/year \ with \ an \ expected \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ number around 13,000 \6-= \1and you can see this is very \ uncertain \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \6-= \1is based on the known synergistic effect of smoking and \ ra-\A \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ don exposure (from the uranium miners studies). That \ is, \ the \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 30-40% of smokers in the population gets most of the lung \ can-\A \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ cer. Keep in mind that there are about 105,000 deaths/yr \ from \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ lung cancer, so most are not from radon exposure.\, \+ \, \+ \, \+ D. How does radon compare with other hazards?\, \+ \, \+ \ \ \ \ One m\4REM \1of radiation corresponds to a reduction of life expectan-\A \+ \ \ \ \ cy of 1.2 minutes. This is equivalent to crossing a city street \ 3 \+ \ \ \ \ times or driving 3 miles, or taking 3 puffs of a cigarrette.\, \+ \, \+ 1. Eating one banana \, \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \[25\6t\1mR/body\6t\9*\6t\10.37\6t\1gm-K/banana\6t\1/150\6t\1gm-K/body\6t\1=\6t\10.06\6t\1m\4REM\, \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \[\7D\1L\6t\9~\6t\1-4\6t\1sec from radiation, \6t\9~\6t\1-5\6t\1min from calories\, \+ \, \+ 2. Smoking 1 cigarette \, \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \[\7D\1L\6t\9~\6t\1-10\6t\1min\, \+ \, \+ 3. Medical x-ray\, \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \[\6t\9~\6t\1200\6t\1mR \8+\96 \7D\1L\6t\9~\6t\1-4\6t\1hrs\, \+ \, \+ 4. Dental or chest x-ray\, \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \[\6t\9~\6t\110\6t\1mR \8+\96 \7D\1L\6t\9~\6t\1-12\6t\1min\, \+ \, \+ 5. Chemical carcinogens\, \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \[Most cancer due to them or \ other \ biological \ source, \ only \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ about 1 in 200 cancers due to radiation of any kind.\, \+ \, \+ 6. Remaining unmarried or living in city:\ \[\7D\1L\6t\9~\6t\1-5\6t\1yrs.\, \+ \,\/ \+ E. How does radon get in your house?\, \+ \, \+ \ \ \ \ Most houses exhaust inside air to the outside. For \ example, \ oil \+ \ \ \ \ or gas heating systems, fireplaces, \3etc. \1burn inside air, and out-\A \+ \ \ \ \ side air comes in through various cracks and leaks. Some of \ this \+ \ \ \ \ outside air comes from the \ soil \ under \ the \ house, \ or \ diffuses \+ \ \ \ \ through brick and cement in the structure. The air in these mater-\A \+ \ \ \ \ ials is much richer in radon than outside air \ generally \ (because \+ \ \ \ \ they are slightly radioactive), and radon \ is \ heavier \ than \ air. \+ \ \ \ \ Hence the air in the house can become somewhat enriched \ in \ radon \+ \ \ \ \ compared with the air outside.\, \+ \, \+ \ \ \ \ A second source of radon is well water, since \ it \ originates \ far \+ \ \ \ \ underground and has radon dissolved in it.\, \+ \, \+ Sealing against drafts, \3etc. \1has little effect on how \ much \ radon \+ \ \ \ \ is found in the air in one's home.\, \+ \, \+ \, \+ F. How do you get rid of radon, assuming you want to? \, \+ \, \+ \ \ \ \ Several methods of treatment are available, \ differing \ widely \ in \+ \ \ \ \ price. Which is appropriate depends on how \ bad \ the \ problem \ is \+ \ \ \ \ (see \6S\1G below). If the radon \ level \ is \ high, \ you \ need \ expert \+ \ \ \ \ advice. \, \+ \, \+ 1. Ventilate basement. Any kind of ventilation will do, \ but \ will \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ lose heat in winter. Heat-conserving \ forced-draft \ ventilators \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ are commercially available that are \ relatively \ cheap \ to \ run \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (\6t\9~\6t\1$50/yr) and not too expensive to buy and install (\9~\6t\1$200).\, \+ \, \+ 2. Aerate well water. This gets rid of dissolved radon \ which \ is \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ flushed to outside air.\, \+ \, \+ 3. Negative pressure \ treatment \ under \ foundation: \ an \ air \ pump \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ reduces the pressure under your slab below that in \ the \ house, \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ so air now flows from your house out through the slab, \ instead \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ of \3vice versa\1. Costs \6t\9~\6t\1$500-$1,000.\, \+ \, \+ 4. Seal cracks in foundation to prevent air from soil getting \ in. \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Cheap. You can do it yourself.\, \+ \, \+ \, \+ G. Intelligent strategies for dealing with radon.\, \+ \, \+ \ \ \ \ The first need is to assess the \ problem. \ In \ Pennsylvania, \ one \+ \ \ \ \ house had about 1000 times the EPA standard of 4 pCi/L. The estim-\A \+ \ \ \ \ ated dose would be about 45 \4REM\1/yr from breathing \ this \ (assuming \+ \ \ \ \ one was in the house about 12 hrs/day). The chance of getting lung \+ \ \ \ \ cancer from this is about 25 times that of \ getting \ killed \ in \ a \+ \ \ \ \ car. It cost about $32,000 to reduce the radon level in this house \+ \ \ \ \ to the EPA standard. \, \+ \, \+ \ \ \ \ Very few houses have anything like such a \ severe \ problem. \ Most \+ \ \ \ \ homes in Virginia have levels in the range \ 1.6-2.5 \ pCi/L. \ About \+ \ \ \ \ 13% have levels in the range 4-20. Less than 1% have levels above \+ \ \ \ \ 20 pCi/L.\, \+ \, \+ \ \ \ \ Since the tests are cheap, and will soon be mandated by \ law \ (for \+ \ \ \ \ no reason that I can understand based on actual \ hazard), \ perhaps \+ \ \ \ \ you should have one done. \ Call \ 1-800-468-0138 \ (State \ Dep't \ of \+ \ \ \ \ Health Radon Hotline) for more information.\, \+ \, \+ \ \ \ \ When should you worry? In my opinion, you should \ worry \ when \ the \+ \ \ \ \ risk is equal to that of dying in a car crash. For a \ smoker \ this \+ \ \ \ \ means when the radon level is about 100 pCi/L in his home. For \ a \+ \ \ \ \ non-smoker, the permissible level may be higher. \, \+ \, \+ \ \ \ \ Assume the radon level is 8 pCi/L. Would you rather spend $500 \ on \+ \ \ \ \ getting the level down to 4 pCi/L (keep in mind that Britain \ sets \+ \ \ \ \ the OK level at 10 pCi/L) or on an airbag restraint system on your \+ \ \ \ \ car? I would say, "Based on the maximum possible hazard, put \ the \+ \ \ \ \ money into the car safety."\, \+ \, \+ \, \+ \ \ \ \ In conclusion: \, \+ \, \+ \ \ \ \[\6> \1Large amounts of radiation are definitely not good for you.\, \+ \, \+ \ \ \ \[\6> \1There is \!no \1evidence that low-level radiation, comparable to the \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ natural background you cannot avoid, has \ any \ effect \ whatever. \+ \, \+ \ \ \ \[\6> \1But taking the most pessimistic extrapolation, low-level \ radia-\A \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ tion like that from the average radon content of a home is \ much \+ \ \ \ \ \ \ less dangerous to you than other hazards you routinely accept.\, \+ \, \+ \ \ \ \[\6> \1Check your radon. If it isn't excessive, don't worry, be happy!\, \=