The Origin of the Universe, course organization

Time and place: Monday, 1:00 -- 2:50, Room 210 Physics Bldg.
Instructor: V. Celli, Room 311D Physics Bldg, Tel. 924-6573,
Office hours: Tuesday and Wednesday, 2 -3 pm

Grading policy: Attendance and class participation 40%, homework 30%, class presentation 30%.

Homework will be assigned every week. It is UNPLEDGED, but it will serve as the basis for class participation and a presentation (see below)

Class participation will be "encouraged" by assignments of two types:

Class presentations will be on topics previously discussed and approved. They will ususlly evolve from homework assignments. The presentation should last about 10 minutes, plus time for questions. It should be accompanied by a written outline that fits on one or two printed pages, plus references on a separate page.

Your comments, questions, suggestions, and inquiries about this course are welcome.

Your e-mail address:

Comments, questions, suggestions, and inquiries: