The Origin of the Universe, course organization

Time and place: Thursday, 2:00 -- 3:50, Room 203 Physics Bldg.
Instructor: V. Celli, Room 311D Physics Bldg, Tel. 924-6573,
Office hours: Wed 11-12, Fri 11-12

Grading policy: Attendance and class participation 50%, class presentation or term paper 50%.

Class participation will be "encouraged" by simple assignments of two types:

Class presentations can be given individually or jointly as a team. An individual presentation should last 20 minutes, plus 5 minutes for questions. It should be accompanied by a written outline that fits on one or two printed pages, plus references on a separate page. A team presentation by two students should last 40 minutes, and so on.

A term paper should be between 5 an 10 printed pages in length. It should be accompanied by a list of references consulted, an explicit aknowledgment of any help received, and a pledged statement that:
"I have received no help in the preparation of this term paper, except as noted above."
(If nobody helped you, simply omit "except as noted above" and the aknowledgment.)

Syllabus: we will read and comment Hawking's book, at the rate of one chapter a week, more or less. Additional material will come from current articles, Web sites, videotapes, and movies as time permits.

Class presentations: titles and dates
Course Description
Links to Web sites, with fine pictures and recent lectures (viewing may be slow)
Notes, slides and downloaded Web files (fast viewing)
Questions and Answers

Your comments, questions, suggestions, and inquiries about this course are welcome.

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