%% This document created by Scientific Word (R) Version 2.0 \documentclass[12pt]{article} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \usepackage{sw20jart} %TCIDATA{TCIstyle=Article/ART4.LAT,jart,sw20jart} \input tcilatex \QQQ{Language}{ American English } \begin{document} \begin{center} \textbf{Phys 742 - EM I} \textbf{In-class test 2 - 4 April 1996} \end{center} \smallskip\ \textbf{1.} Solve the boundary-value problem for a spontaneously magnetized sphere of radius $a.$ Assuming that $\mathbf{M}$ is constant in the sphere, find the $% \mathbf{H}$ and $\mathbf{B}$ fields everywhere. The magnetization is equivalent to a surface current $\mathbf{K}$. Choose polar coordinates in such a way that $\mathbf{K}$ has only the component $% K_\phi $ and give the explicit expression for $K_\phi .$ Find a vector potential $\mathbf{A}$ that describes $\mathbf{B}$ everywhere. Give explicitly the components of $\mathbf{A}$ in the coordinates of your choice. \smallskip\ \textbf{2.} A dielectric slab of thickness $a$ and width $b$ is partially inserted between the plates of a capacitor (see sketch on blackboard). Is the slab attracted or ejected? Assuming a linear dielectric constant $\epsilon ,$ find the force on the slab when the potential difference between the plates is $V$. What is a typical value of $\epsilon $ and what is the corresponding numerical value of the force when $a=1$ \negthinspace cm, $b=10$ \negthinspace cm and $V=1000$ Volts? \smallskip\ \ \textbf{3.} \textbf{(a) }A solenoid consists of $N$ turns of area $A$ and carries a current $I.$ Find the field $\mathbf{B}$ at large distances, far outside the solenoid. \textbf{(b) }Find the torque on the solenoid when its center is at a distance $d$ from the surface of a medium of linear permeability $\mu $ and its axis makes an angle $\theta $ with the normal to the surface. Assume that $d$ is much larger than the dimensions of the solenoid. \smallskip\ \noindent \hrulefill \smallskip\ \[ Y_{00}=\frac 1{\sqrt{4\pi }}\quad \quad \quad Y_{10}=\sqrt{\frac 3{4\pi }\,}% \,\cos \theta \quad \quad \quad Y_{11}=-\sqrt{\frac 3{8\pi }\,}\,\sin \theta \,e^{i\phi } \] \newpage\ \begin{center} \textsf{Answer 1} \end{center} The dipole moment is $m=(4\pi /3)Ma^3.$ The field for $r>a$ is \[ \mathbf{B}^{out}\mathbf{=}-m\mathbf{\nabla }(z/r^3) \] \[ B_r^{out}=2m\cos \theta \,/r^3\quad \quad \quad B_\theta ^{out}=m\sin \theta /r^3 \] From the continuity conditions, the fields for $r