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In a two-dimensional problem (nothing depends on $z$), one can similarly write $G(\mathbf{x,x}% ^{\prime })=-2\ln \left| \mathbf{x-x}^{\prime }\right| +F(\mathbf{x,x}% ^{\prime })$. In the cases a sphere (in 3-d) or a cylinder (in 2-d) one can attribute $F$ to a single ``image''. In the limit of infinite radius, the sphere reduces to a plane, the simplest and most useful case. \section{The conducting plane} Placing a charge $q$ at the point $(0,0,z_o)$ and the ``image charge'' $-q$ at the mirror image point $(0,0,-z_o)$ assures that the potential \begin{equation} \frac q{\sqrt{x^2+y^2+(z-z_o)^2}}-\frac q{\sqrt{x^2+y^2+(z+z_o)^2}} \label{I1} \end{equation} vanishes on the $xy$ plane $(z=0)$. To be definite, we take $z_o>0$. The actual potential of a charge $q$ in front of a conducting plane is given by eq. (\ref{I1}) for $z>0,$ vanishes for $z<0$. Green's function is obtained for $q=1$. The force acting on $q$ is simply \begin{equation} F_z=-\frac{q^2}{4z_o^2} \label{F1} \end{equation} as if $q$ and $-q$ were two real charges at a distance $2z_o.$ The work needed to bring $q$ from infinity to a distance $z_o$ from the plane is then \begin{equation} W=-\frac{q^2}{4z_o} \label{W1} \end{equation} If $q$ and $-q$ were two real charges at a distance $2z_o,$ the mutual energy would be $-q^2/2z_o$, twice as large as $W$. The difference arises because the image charge is not present to begin with. The electric field component $E_z$ on the $xy$ plane (i.e. at the surface of the conductor) is obtained by taking \[ -\frac \partial {\partial z}\left[ \frac q{\sqrt{x^2+y^2+(z-z_o)^2}}-\frac q{% \sqrt{x^2+y^2+(z+z_o)^2}}\right] \] and setting $z=0.$ It is \[ E_z=-\frac{2qz_o}{\left( x^2+y^2+z_o^2\right) ^{3/2}} \] The parallel field components $E_x$ and $E_y$ vanish, as they should. The ``induced'' surface charge density is given by $4\pi \sigma =E_z$. The total induced surface charge is $-q$, as expected, since: \[ \frac 1{4\pi }\iint \frac{2z_o}{\left( x^2+y^2+z_o^2\right) ^{3/2}}% \,dx\,dy=\int_0^\infty \frac{z_o}{\left( \rho ^2+z_o^2\right) ^{3/2}}\rho \,d\rho =1 \] The field at the surface due to $q$ is $\frac 12E_z$. Thus the force exerted by $q$ on the surface charge density is given by the integral of $\frac 12\sigma E_z$: \[ F_z=\frac 1{4\pi }\iint \frac{2q^2z_o^2}{\left( x^2+y^2+z_o^2\right) ^3}% \,dx\,dy=\int_0^\infty \frac{q^2z_o^2}{\left( \rho ^2+z_o^2\right) ^3}\rho \,d\rho \] The integration gives $F_z=$ $q^2/4z_o^2,$ confirming the result (\ref{F1}) of the simpler argument. It may also be desirable to confirm that the work (\ref{W1}) correctly represents the energy balance in the field. Consider then the quantities: \begin{itemize} \item $W_q(\infty )$ : the self energy of the charge $q$ when it is at infinity (this is infinite, but never mind: it will cancel out) \item $W_q(z_o)$ : the self energy of the charge $q$ in its final position (also infinite, but will cancel) \item $W_\sigma $ : the self-energy of the surface charge \item $W_{q\sigma }$ : the interaction energy between the charge $q$ in its final position and the surface charge \end{itemize} The energy of the final configuration is $W_q(z_o)+W_\sigma +W_{q\sigma }$, that of the initial configuration is $W_q(\infty )$. One can easily show that the energy balance is given by $W_{q\sigma }$, because $% W_q(z_o)+W_\sigma =W_q(\infty )$. But $W_{q\sigma }$ is one half the interaction energy of the charges $q$ and $-q$ at distance $2z_o,$ because it is obtained by integrating the corresponding energy density over half space. Thus $W_{q\sigma }=-\frac 12(q^2/2z_o),$ in agreement with \ref{W1}. ------------------------------------------ To show that $W_q(z_o)+W_\sigma =W_q(\infty )$, note that all three quantities are obtained by integrating the same energy density, over all space for $W_q(\infty ),$ over the half-space $z>0$ for $W_q(z_o),$ and (effectively) over the remaining half space for $W_\sigma $. ------------------------------------------ \section{The conducting sphere} In this case, a point charge and its image are not equal in magnitude. We put the charge $q$ along the $z$ axis at distance $s$ from the center of the sphere. The image charge is then located on the $z$ axis at \[ s^{\prime }=\frac{a^2}s \] where $a$ is the radius of the sphere, and has magnitude and sign given by \[ -q^{\prime }=q\frac as=q\frac{s^{\prime }}a \] Strictly, the image method applies to the grounded sphere, and the result is extended to other cases by superposition of solutions. \subsection{Grounded sphere} It can be shown directly that the potential \begin{equation} \frac q{\sqrt{x^2+y^2+(z-s)^2}}+\frac{q^{\prime }}{\sqrt{x^2+y^2+(z-s^{% \prime })^2}} \label{I2} \end{equation} vanishes on the sphere $x^2+y^2+z^2=a^2$. To be definite, we assume that $% s>a $, but eq. (\ref{I2}) is valid for all $s$. The solution is also symmetric in $q,s$ and $q^{\prime },s^{\prime }$, so the ``interior'' solution $(sa$, \begin{equation} \sigma =\frac{qa}{4\pi }\frac{1\ }{\left( a^2+s^2-2sa\cos \gamma \right) ^{3/2}}\,\frac{a^2-s^2}{a^2} \label{C2} \end{equation} where $\gamma $ is the angle from the direction of the charge (see Figs. 2.3, 2.4). The total induced surface charge is $q^{\prime }=-qa/s$, as expected, since: \[ \frac a{4\pi }\int_0^\pi \,\frac{2\pi a^2\sin \gamma \,d\gamma \ }{\left( a^2+s^2-2sa\cos \gamma \right) ^{3/2}}=\frac{a^2}{2s}\left( \frac 1{s-a}-\frac 1{s+a}\right) =\frac as\frac{a^2}{s^2-a^2} \] For $sa$ is then \[ \Phi =-E_0\left( r-\frac{a^3}{r^2}\right) \cos \theta \] The induced surface charge density is \[ \sigma =-\frac 1{4\pi }\left. \dfrac{\partial \Phi }{\partial r}\right| _{r=a}=\frac 3{4\pi }E_0\cos \theta \] It is worth remembering that a $\cos \theta $ \thinspace charge distribution on a spherical shell gives a uniform field inside the shell, and a dipole fileld outside. It is also notable that the polarizability of a conducting sphere of radius $a$ is simply \[ \frac D{E_0}=a^3 \] \subsection{Green's function} We simply rewrite the point-charge solution, \begin{equation} \frac q{\sqrt{x^2+y^2+(z-s)^2}}-\frac{q^{\prime }}{\sqrt{x^2+y^2+(z-s^{% \prime })^2}} \label{I2} \end{equation} putting $q=1$ and placing the charge at the generic point $\mathbf{x}% ^{\prime }=(x^{\prime },y^{\prime },z^{\prime })$ instead of $(0,0,s)$. The image charge then goes at $(a/\left| \mathbf{x}^{\prime }\right| )^2$ $% (x^{\prime },y^{\prime },z^{\prime })$ and we obtain \[ G(\mathbf{x,x}^{\prime })=\frac 1{\left| \mathbf{x-x}^{\prime }\right| }-% \frac{a/\left| \mathbf{x}^{\prime }\right| }{\left| \mathbf{x-}a^2\mathbf{x}% ^{\prime }/\left| \mathbf{x}^{\prime }\right| ^2\right| } \] which can be rewritten \[ G(\mathbf{x,x}^{\prime })=\frac 1{\left| \mathbf{x-x}^{\prime }\right| }-\frac a{\sqrt{\left| \mathbf{x}\right| ^2\left| \mathbf{x}^{\prime }\right| ^2+a^4-2a^2\mathbf{x}\cdot \mathbf{x}^{\prime }}} \] For boundary-value problems, we need $\partial G/\partial n^{\prime }$ on the surface of the sphere, $\left| \mathbf{x}^{\prime }\right| =a$. This is given by Jackson, which then goes on to use the result to compute the field of a sphere with hemispheres at different potentials, an uninteresting problem that we will skip. However, it may be useful as guidance for problem 2.3. \section{The conducting cylinder} The treatment is similar to that for the sphere and is left by Jackson as problem 2.7. Problem 2.11 actually gives part of the solution, and problem 2.4 is closely related. The following points are worth noting: \begin{itemize} \item The image charges are $q$ and $-q$ (unlike the case of the sphere) \item You cannot make the potential vanish both on the cylinder and at $% \rho =\infty $. With the image charge alone, the potential on the cylinder is not zero (unlike the case of the sphere). You can add a charge to the cylinder (as in the case of the sphere), but then the potential will not go to zero at $\rho =\infty $. \item All the equipotentials are cylinders. Thus you can solve the problem 2.4 of two oppositely charged cylinders, external to each other or inside each other, in general not coaxial. One result of the problem is the capacitance $C$ that was quoted in lecture 3: it looks different, but \[ \cosh ^{-1}x=\ln \left( x+\sqrt{x^2-1}\right) \] \end{itemize} \end{document}