Phys 743 - EM II

In-class test 2 - 7 Nov. 1995


A rectangular opening with sides of length a and defined by exists in a flat sheet filling the xy plane. A plane wave is normally incident with its polarization vector in the y direction. Calculate the angular distribution, at large distances, of the power coming through the opening, in the Kirchhoff approximation (or the Smythe-Kirchhoff approximation, as you prefer.) Actually I do not care about polarization effects or the ``obliquity prefactor''; I am asking for the dominant diffraction effect.


Starting from the Lorentz transformation, obtain the formula for the addition of velocities, and show that it is consistent with the result of Fizeau's experiment. It is enough to consider a non-dispersive medium.


Light is incident on a small dielectric sphere. What is the angular distribution of the scattered radiation if the incident light is (a) linearly polarized? (b) unpolarized?


Which, if any, of these quantities are Lorentz invariant?



Briefly explain your answers. You should have seen some of these quantities before in a context that makes obvious their Lorentz invariance, or the lack of it. Lorentz-transforming each one in long hand is not advisable (but will work for people who can do perfect algebra).


In the decay what are (a) the maximum energy and (b) the minimum energy of the ? Assume that the K is at rest. I am asking for a formula, but if time permits you can get an extra point for plugging in the numbers correctly. The masses involved, in MeV, are 494, 106, 135, and zero.



The diffraction integral is

where is the area of the opening (I have thrown in the factor to make F dimensionless). In our case

and we find

The transmitted power is proportional to See Comment 1 for all the other factors (not required).


From the Lorentz transformation

and also get

and similarly for . In Fizeau's experiment, is the speed of light in a medium, seen by a comoving observer. The observer in the lab sees light moving with speed


(a) where is the angle from the incident polarization vector If

(b) , where is the angle from the incident direction (as in (a)).


(a) is a Lorentz scalar, equal to

(b) is not a Lorentz scalar. If it were, and would each be Lorentz scalars, due to (a). One can note that is the energy density, which is the component of the 4-d stress tensor.

(c) is a Lorentz scalar, equal to

(d) is not a Lorentz scalar, because it is a 3-d vector. One can note that is the Poynting vector.


(a) is maximum when and go off in the opposite directions, and (see Comment 2). Squaring the four-vector relation we obtain

(b) is minimum when and go off in opposite directions and is created at rest. Then

Comment 1. Diffraction with all the factors (Jackson's problem 9.19, with See Estevez and Suen, page 255)

Kirchhoff-Smythe is given by Jackson's Eq. (9.156):


Plain Kirchoff is given by Eqs. (9.125) and (9.7):

In either case we need to compute the diffraction factor

We find

For Kirchhoff-Smythe we compute the transmitted power per unit solid angle and divide by the incident power Using

we find

Estevez and Suen write the ``obliquity factor'' in square brackets as

For Kirchhoff we have similarly

Comment 2. End points of decay spectra

In the answer to question 5a, the condition may need some comment. In general, when a particle of mass M decays into several particles of masses the maximum of occurs when all the other particles come out with the same velocity v in the direction opposite to particle 1. If is finite and (for instance) there is an apparent contradiction because the speed of particle 3 must be c, but the speed of particle 2 must be less than To figure out what happens we take the limit Because , we see that

In principle the maximum in can be used to decide if the neutrino has a finite mass. In practice it is hard to attain the necessary accuracy (even in other, more favorable cases). By the way, the neutrino involved here is the neutrino or antineutrino, according to

Vittorio Celli
Fri Nov 10 13:08:15 EST 1995