Introduction to Scientific Computing

	In this short-course we'll try to get you up and programming!
	I hope you'll learn at least four important skills:
	* How to connect to a remote computer,
	* create programs there,
	* run them,
	* and view the results.
	We'll be using the C programming language under the Linux 
	operating system.  The goal is for you to understand the 
	mechanics and concepts of scientific programming.

1. lecture01-notes.pdf
	Zero to Loops:
	Simple C programs; Variables; Loops; Putting it all together.

2. lecture02-notes.pdf
	"rand" to Math:
	The Code Development Dance; More command-line tools;
	More operators and math functions; Nested loops.

3. lecture03-notes.pdf
	Readin' and Iffin':
	Using scanf to read input from the user, and using
	"if" statements to make decisions.

*  break1-notes.pdf
	Zombie Interlude:
	Let's work through some examples together.

4. lecture04-notes.pdf
	Files and Whiles:
	Using the fprintf and fscanf functions, and "while" loops.

5. lecture05-notes.pdf
	Using arrays to deal with vectors and histograms, and
	looking out for some potential pitfalls..

*  break2-notes.pdf
	Meanwhile, in a galaxy far, far away...
	Let's work through some examples together.

6. lecture06-notes.pdf
	Strings and Functions:
	Using strings while avoiding pitfalls, and a first
	look at user-defined functions.

7. lecture07-notes.pdf
	Numerical Integration, and a Quiz:
	Approximating a definite integral with the
	"Trapezoid Rule", adding command-line arguments to
	your program, and a few questions to test your
	knowledge (with answers!).

8. lecture08-notes.pdf
        Odds and Ends: More on variables, debugging tips,
	where to find documentation, some more techniques,
	some more C features.