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The HMS in Hall C or the HRS in Hall
A have
the necessary combination of momentum acceptance, resolution, and solid angle for this
experiment. Only modest energy resolution on the electron side is necessary as the neutron
arm dominates the overall determination of the missing energy. The large vertical acceptance
of these spectrometers is an advantage when considering the deflection of the electrons in
the target field. For the present experiment, we will use the HMS in the reverse-quad mode,
which offers a larger solid angle (10 msr). The tradeoff of horizontal for vertical
acceptance is also desirable as it allows to maintain the condition of
perpendicular to the target polarization over a larger acceptance.
The detection package will consist of drift chambers for reconstruction of the electron
angles and momenta; for particle identification, a gas Cerenkov counter and lead glass shower
counters; and plastic scintillator hodoscopes for timing and to help with muon rejection in
the shower counter. The needs of this experiment are well within the capabilities of the
standard detection system planned for the CEBAF electron spectrometers.
In fact, the low rates we anticipate will not pose a problem to their rate handling
Donal Day, University of Virginia