Title: Controlling Atom Motion Through the Dipole-Dipole Force

M. L. Wall and F. Robicheaux Department of Physics, Auburn University, AL

R.R. Jones, Department of Physics, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA


We describe simulations that illustrate the possibility for manipulating the position correlation of atoms in a magneto-optical trap (MOT) using the dipole-dipole interaction. The control scheme utilizes a narrow band laser that is detuned to the high-frequency side of a single-photon Rydberg transition in an isolated atom. As two atoms move near each other, they can be laser excited to repelling diatomic Rydberg-Rydberg potential energy curves which halt their approach. By chirping the laser from large to small detunings, atoms in a MOT can be pushed apart by dipole-dipole forces, thereby controlling nearest neighbor interactions. Alternatively, by holding the frequency of the Rydberg excitation laser fixed as the MOT is loaded, it should be possible to limit the minimum distance between atoms to a prescribed value. In addition, because the range of the interaction can be on the order of 1-10 microns, the system parameters fall in an interesting regime for scattering theory.

Status: Journal of Physics B 40, 3693 (2007).

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