Title: Quantum-State Measurement of Ionic Rydberg Wavepackets

X. Zhang and R.R. Jones


Nearly unipolar, sub-picosecond half-cycle pulses (HCPs) have been used to measure the quantum state of Ba+ ng Rydberg wavepackets via impulsive ionization. Following laser excitation of the ionic wavepacket, the double ionization probability is measured as a function of the amplitude and delay of the HCP probe. Fourier transform of the time-dependent ionization signal facilitates the determination of the complex amplitudes of the constituent eigenstates in the wavepacket, enabling a full characterization of its time-dependent evolution. This is the first experimental demonstration of complete wavepacket recovery in ions, a capability that may prove to be invaluable for future measurements of quantum dynamics in multi-electron systems.

Status: New Journal of Physics 11, 105050 (2009).

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