D:/LB102/PEN-2007/pen-pibeta D:/LB102/PEN-2007/pen-prescaler D:/LB102/PEN-2007/pen-mix
Inside the directory for the unit you wish to modify there will be a ".svn" file. Double-clicking this file will launch the ispLEVER software.
In the left panel, double-click the project: "something (.sch)"
Edit the schematic. Save and close the schematic editor.
To compile, starting from the top, double click on each item with an icon with circular arrows. Image coming soon.
Click yes to import new contraints.
You should now see a green check mark next to the JEDEC file.
Bring both the JEDEC file and the LB102 unit to the "upstairs counting house."
Install the LB102 unit into the crate, connect the parallel cable, and turn the crate on.
On the windows computer, start the ispVM-System program (link on desktop).
Click the green "sc" icon for scan. It should find our unit (which it calls 2128). Double click on this unit, and select the data file. Browse to the JEDEC file you brought from the other machine. The default action should be, "Erase, Download, Verify." If this is selected, then click "ok."
Now click the "GO" icon. After about 8 seconds, you should see a green light on the screen and the word "PASS."
Re-install the LB102 unit.
A. Palladino 02 Oct 2007