The top plot shows Beam Current Asymmetries vs. Run Number for the Q^2=0.5 period. The two red lines represent the averages for positive and negative target polarization. They are basically equal, which makes sense. The average beam current asymmetry was 6.5*10^-4. The bottom plot shows Bar Pretrigger Rate Asymmtries vs. Run Number for the Q^2=0.5 period. These asymmetries are calculated from scaler values and are NOT corrected for beam current asymmetry. The blue and the green line are the average for negative and positive target polarization. The average values are: Tpol+: (-7.57 +/- 0.16)*10^-5 Tpol-: (-1.1343 +/- 0.0020)*10^-3 The red line indicates the average beam current asymmetry.