Neutron Identification ====================== In the graphs asymmetries for different neutron identifications are compared. The top graph has basically no cuts applied whereas the lower graph has cuts in cointime -2. 3. w 0.90 1.0 Ypos -45.0 45.0 Emiss -0.05 0.05 thetaQN 0. 10. Analyzer: Tracks are determined in the analyzer based on clusters of bar hits. Veto detectors that are on the track are checked for hits within a time window of +/-5ns. If there is a hit the veto is declared as active. Up to 3 tracks are written to the ntuple. Ntuple anlysis: In case of multiple tracks the one with a meantime closest to the centroid is chosen, as the most probable one. particle Id's: ID1: hardcoded analyzer neutron (similar to ID3, but more restrictive on multiple tracks) ID2: both vetos are not active ID3: both vetos not active and no hit in top 5 bars of first bar plane ID4: both vetos are not active and no hit in first bar plane (first bar plane used as veto too) ID5: veto1 not active and no hit in top five (checking efficiency of a single veto) ID6: veto2 not active and no hit in top five (checking efficiency of a single veto) Conclusions: loose cuts: ID3 is good enough (same as ID4) but ID2, ID5 and ID6 show proton contamination hard cuts: All ID's are good, mainly due to proton suppression with the thetaQN cut.