Re: LC8573 Measurement of the electric form factor of the neutron through $\rm{\vec{d}}$($\rm{\vec{e}}$,${e}^{\prime}$n)${p}$ at ${Q}^{2}$=0.5 (GeV/C)${}^{2}$ By: H. Zhu, A. Ahmidouch, H. Anklin, H. Arenh\"{o}vel, et al. Dear Dr. Day: The above manuscript has been reviewed by our referee(s). Acceptance of your paper for publication is likely, but we first ask you to consider carefully the enclosed comments. Please accompany your resubmittal by a summary of the changes made, and a brief response to any recommendations and criticisms. Sincerely yours, Jerome Malenfant Senior Assistant Editor Physical Review Letters Email: Fax: 631-591-4141 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Report of Referee A (LC8573 Zhu,H) -------------------------------------------------------------------- This manuscript constitutes a very important contribution to the interesting issue of form factors of the nucleons. Recent precision experiments on cw-electron accelerators have tremendously improved the data bases for the proton as well as for the neutron. The new measurements with polarisation contitute a major step in quality in particular as they permit direct determination of the ratio Ge/Gm, which has low experimental uncertainties and which is almost model independent apart from FSI corrections. To corroborate the new findings on the neutron, which are about a factor 2 larger than the previously assumed values, it is an important contribution to show that consistent values are obtained with different targets and reactions, and thus different experimental conditions. I strongly recommend a speedy publication of these results. The authors, however, should improve the manuscript on the following points: 1) Abstract: make clear what is the issue about `first': .. report a measurement of the neutron el. ff via ... using for the first time a solid polarized target. 2) discussion of corrections: Is the normalisation of the MC one single number for all materials? 3) explain filled square in fig. 3 4) A discussion is missing about p=5.6 of the Galster parametri- sation. This value is asummed in the analysis whithout ex- planation and evaluation (chi-square). If the authors claim that their value sets a new constraint the have to evaluate the data base. The Gen analysis by Herberg EPJA(1999) and Grabmayr PRL(2001) show different fit parameters. 5) update the references of preprints e.g. ref 23 appeared in PRC -------------------------------------------------------------------- Report of Referee B (LC8573 Zhu,H) -------------------------------------------------------------------- This paper presents an important result on the structure of the neutron that has wide interest for both nuclear and particle physics. It represents a new and technically challenging method to extract the very small electric form factor of the neutron through the use of polarized electrons and polarized neutrons. The analysis of the data is quite thorough and well done, all the impotant aspects that may mask the correct extraction have been included. The measurement of the neutrons electric charge distribution has been an outstanding challenge for many years and only recently has technical advance premitted these recent experiments. It is unfortunate that this group was not able to also make a series of momentum transfer dependent measurements which would have been very valuable. However this is an important result that vindicates an new experimental technique and has promise for futher results. I recommend publication ini PRL.