Physics 742 - Electricity and Magnetism I

Time and place: Tuesday and Thursday, 9:30 - 10:45, Room 216 Physics Bldg.
Instructor: V. Celli, Room 311D Physics Bldg, Tel. 924-6573,
Grader: David Djajaputra, Room 157 Physics Building (New North Wing), Tel. 924-7958,

Text: Classical Electrodynamics (2nd ed., 1975) by J. D. Jackson, and Lecture Notes

PHYS 742, 743 is the basic sequence on classical electromagnetism for graduate students in Physics, Astronomy, Engineering Physics, and related fields.
PHYS 742 covers the theory of classical electromagnetism, from problems in electrostatics and magnetostatics to the Maxwell Equations.
PHYS 743 treats in depth the emission, propagation and scattering of electromagnetic radiation, relativistic particle dynamics, and the electromagnetic fields of fast particles.

Exams from this and previous years, and where to find solutions
Homework Assignments with some solutions, and where to find the others
Lecture Notes, where to find them, how to print them

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