Vittorio Celli's addresses

From April 15 to July 31, 2007, I'm likely to be in Italy. My address there is
Via Mozzanino 7
28845 Domodossola (VB) ITALY
cell phones: 3342537264, 3349713327, 3351445313
Italy's country code is 39, so from the USA dial, e.g., 011 39 3342537264

Send e-mail to as usual, it will be forwarded. Paper mail sent to Virginia will not be regularly forwarded to Italy.

Back to Personal homepage, Physics Department Faculty listing, University of Virginia homepage (enter People search for Celli.)

V. Celli
Department of Physics
382 McCormick Road
P. O. Box 400714
Charlottesville, Virginia 22904-4714
(434) 924-6573