
\ Doubled-precision arithmetic  I/O words
\ ---------------------------------------------------
\     (c) Copyright 2006  Julian V. Noble.          \
\       Permission is granted by the author to      \
\       use this software for any application pro-  \
\       vided this copyright notice is preserved.   \
\ ---------------------------------------------------

\ This is an ANS Forth program requiring the
\   FLOAT, FLOAT EXT, FILE and TOOLS EXT wordsets.
\ Environmental dependences:
\       Assumes independent floating point stack

\ Based on I/O subroutines from
\   DDFUN: A Double-Double Floating Point Computation Package
\   IEEE Fortran-90 version
\   Version Date:  2005-01-26
\   Author:
\      David H. Bailey
\      NERSC, Lawrence Berkeley Lab
\      Mail Stop 50B-2239
\      Berkeley, CA 94720
\      Email: dhbailey@lbl.gov

MARKER  -ddio

\ Output a dd# .

\ Algorithm:
\  1. Determine sign and power of 10
\  2. Normalize so that significand lies between 1 and 10
\  3. Peel digits off from left by converting to integer
\       multiplying by dd10 and repeating
\  4. Construct output string digit by digit, append
\       sign and exponent, and display.

10e0 0e0  ddconstant dd10

: ddabs    ( f: x xx -- |x+xx|)
    FOVER  F0<   IF  ddnegate  THEN  ;

: getSign   ( f: x xx -- x xx)  ( -- f)
    FOVER  F0<  ;

: getPower   ( f: x xx -- x xx) ( --  n)
    FDUP  F0<
    IF  1e0 F- F>S  ELSE  F>S  THEN

: normalize  ( f: x xx -- y yy) ( n -- n')
    ddabs           ( f: |x| |xx| )
    DUP  dd10  dd^n  dd/        ( f: [|x|+|xx|]/10^n ) ( n)

  \ make sure it's between 1 and 10
    BEGIN   FOVER   10e0  F>
    WHILE   dd10  dd/   1 +  REPEAT

    BEGIN   FOVER   1e0   F<
    WHILE   dd10  dd*   1 -  REPEAT
;   ( f: [y+yy] = [x+xx]/10^n' )    ( n')

: peelDigit ( f: y yy -- y' yy')    ( digit)
    FOVER  F>D   2DUP  D>F  0e0  dd-

: shiftBy10       dd10  dd*  ;

: <ddout>   ( f: |x+xx| -- )   ( sgn power)
    S>D  SWAP  OVER  DABS       \ convert exponent
    <#  #S  ROT SIGN            \ append  digits of exponent
       BL       HOLD
       [char] d HOLD
       [char] d HOLD
       BL       HOLD            \ append dd
       31 0 DO   peelDigit  shiftBy10  LOOP  peelDigit
       31 0 DO   S>D   #  2DROP   LOOP
       [char] .  HOLD  S>D  #  2DROP
       ROT  IF  [char] -  ELSE  [char] +  THEN   HOLD
    #>  TYPE SPACE

: ddfs.     ( f: x xx -- )  \ display double-double in E-format
    FOVER   F0=  IF  ." 0.0 DD 0"  EXIT  THEN   \ handle 0
    getSign                     ( s)
    getPower        ( f: x xx ) ( s n)
    normalize       ( f: y yy)  ( s n')
    <ddout>                     \ display
    FDROP  FDROP                \ clean up fstack


: test
    SWAP  DO  1e0 0e0 3e0 0e0  dd/  I dd10 dd^n  dd*
              CR I .  TAB TAB  ddfs. LOOP

: test1
    SWAP  DO  1e0 0e0 6e0 0e0  dd/  I dd10 dd^n  dd*
              CR I .  TAB TAB  ddfs. LOOP

\ Convert a string representing a dd# to internal form
\   as 2 IEEE 64-bit floats

\ Algorithm:
\   0. initialize buffers hi$ and lo$
\   1. skip leading + sign, leave - flag on stack.
\   2. copy digits to hi$ buffer until dp found;
\        let L be # digits to left of dp.
\   3. continue copying until #digits = MaxPlaces/2
\        or string is exhausted.
\   4. IF   (string is exhausted) set lo$ to 0e0
\      ELSE append remaining digits to lo$
\           until #digits = MaxPlaces  THEN
\   5. hi$ >FLOAT   1e0  exactmul
\      lo$ >FLOAT   1e0  exactmul
\      dd+
\   6. get p = power of 10, let p' = p + L - MaxPlaces/2
\   7. p' dd10 dd^n  dd*

\ : $ends   ( c-adr u -- end beg)   \ convert c-adr u to ends
\    OVER  +   1-  SWAP ;          ( end beg)

\ : ends->count   ( end beg -- c-adr u)  TUCK  -  1+  ;

needs vector1.f
needs fsm2.f

30 CONSTANT  MaxPlaces

CREATE lo#  MaxPlaces  CHARS ALLOT  \ numerical string buffers

: digit?    ( c -- f)   \ test for digit

: dp?   [CHAR] .  =    ;

: dDeE?     ( c -- f)
    [CHAR] d  OVER  =
              OVER  [CHAR] D  =  OR
              OVER  [CHAR] e  =  OR
              SWAP  [CHAR] E  =  OR

: |power|     ( c-addr count -- |p|) \ abs value of pwr of 10
    0 0  2SWAP  >NUMBER   ( -- ud2 c-addr2 u2)
    0=  IF  DROP  D>S  ELSE  ." Bad exponent"  ABORT   THEN

: do_exponent  ( end beg -- p end')    \ peel exponent from right
    LOCALS| beg end |
        0                               \ count on stack
            BEGIN   end beg >           ( n f1)
                    end C@  digit?      ( n f1 f2)
            WHILE   end 1-  TO end      \ dec adr
                    1+                  \ inc count

        end 1+  SWAP   |power|          ( |p|)
        end C@  [char] -  =                 \ get sign of p
        IF  NEGATE  end  1-  TO end   THEN  ( -- p)

        end C@  [char] +  =             \ bypass + sign
        IF  end  1-  TO  end  THEN

        end C@  dDeE?  -1  AND  end +  TO  end  \ advance past dDeE
        end C@  dDeE?  -1  AND  end +           ( -- p end')

        DUP  C@  DUP  digit?  SWAP  dp?  OR  \ digit|dp are legal
            0=  ABORT" Bad exponent"         \ anything else n.g.

: [dig|dp]  ( char -- col#)     \ 0 = "other", 1 = digit, 2 = dp
    digit?  1 AND  OVER  dp?  2 AND  +  ;

: init_buffer   ( c-addr -- )   \ initialize a string buffer
    0 OVER  C!  1+  MaxPlaces  1-  [CHAR] 0  FILL

: +char     ( c-addr c -- )     \ append char to counted $
    OVER  COUNT  +              ( c-addr c c-addr+u)
    C!   DUP C@   1+  SWAP  C!  \ store c, inc $len

0 VALUE  pre_dp         \ # of digits to left of dp
0 VALUE  post_dp        \ # of digits to right of dp

: +hi   ( c -- )
    hi#  SWAP  +char        \ append character
    pre_dp  1+  TO  pre_dp  \ increment count

: +hi|lo   ( c -- )
    pre_dp  post_dp +  MaxPlaces 2/  <
    IF    hi#   ELSE   lo#   THEN
    SWAP  +char                 \ append character
    post_dp  1+  TO  post_dp    \ increment post_dp

: err1   TRUE  ABORT" Non-digit in significand!"  ;
: err2   TRUE  ABORT" One dp to a customer!"  ;

3 wide  fsm:  <<hi/lo>>     ( c col# --)
\ input       other   |    digit      |      dp    |
\ state  -------------------------------------------
  ( 0)   ||  err1 >2  || +hi     >0   ||  DROP >1
  ( 1)   ||  err1 >2  || +hi|lo  >1   ||  err2 >3
  ( 2)   ( abnormal termination w/ error1 )
  ( 3)   ( abnormal termination w/ error2 )

: leadingSign   ( end beg -- sgn end beg')
    DUP C@  [CHAR] -  OVER =    ( end beg c f1)
    >R  [CHAR] +  =  R@  OR     ( end beg f2+f1)
    1 AND +  R>  -ROT

: initialize
    hi#  init_buffer            \ buffers
    lo#  init_buffer
    lo#  [CHAR] .  +char
    0 TO pre_dp   0 TO post_dp  \ counts
    0 >state  <<hi/lo>>         \ fsm

: >(hi/lo)  ( end beg -- )  \ digits to hi# and lo#
    BEGIN   2DUP >=         ( end beg f)
            pre_dp  post_dp  +  MaxPlaces  <=  AND
    WHILE   DUP  C@  DUP  [dig|dp]  <<hi/lo>>
            1+              ( end beg+1)

: buf->dd   ( c_addr )  ( f: x xx)  \ convert buffer to dd
    COUNT  >FLOAT  0=  ABORT" Float conversion failed"
    1e0  exactmul

: adjustExponent    ( pwr)  ( f: |y+yy| -- |x+xx|)
    pre_dp  +               ( p+n1)
    pre_dp post_dp +        ( p+n1 n1+n2)
    MaxPlaces 2/  MIN  -    ( p'=p+n1-MIN[n1+n2,MaxP/2] )
    dd10  dd^n  dd*

: >dd   ( c-addr u -- )  ( f: -- x xx)
    OVER  +   1-  SWAP          ( end beg)  \ $ends
    initialize                  ( end beg)
    leadingSign                 ( sgn end beg')
    TUCK  do_exponent   ROT     ( sgn pwr end' beg')
    >(hi/lo)                    \ digits -> hi/lo buffers
    hi#  buf->dd    lo#  buf->dd    dd+     ( f: |y+yy|)
    ( s p)  adjustExponent      ( s)
    IF  ddnegate  THEN          \ adjust sign



s" -11.1112222233333444445555566666dd-45" >dd cr ddfs.
-1.1111222223333344444555556666603 dd -44  ok

s" +-11.1112222233333444445555566666dd-45" >dd cr ddfs.
Error: >dd Non-digit in significand!

s" +11.1112222.233333444445555566666dd-45" >dd cr ddfs.
Error: >dd One dp to a customer!

s" +11.1112222233333444445555566666dd+45" >dd cr ddfs.
+1.1111222223333344444555556666604 dd 46  ok

s" +11.1112222233333444445555566666" >dd cr ddfs.
+0.0000000000000000000000000000000 dd 0  ok  <- Must have exponent field

s" +11.1112222233333444445555566666dd" >dd cr ddfs.
+1.1111222223333344444555556666603 dd 1  ok

s" +11.1112222233333444445555566666D" >dd cr ddfs.
+1.1111222223333344444555556666603 dd 1  ok

s" 1111122.222333D" >dd cr ddfs.
+1.1111222223330000000000000000000 dd 6  ok