Exercise: Check that this state is correctly normalized, and is an eigenstate of .
2. Prove using an algebraic identity that is an eigenstate of . Is it also an eigenstate of ? Prove your assertion.
2. Prove that if ,
the unit operator
3. Prove that is correct up to terms A3 and B3 by expanding the exponentials on both sides and comparing.
4. How does a (position) translation operator affect a wave function expressed in momentum space, ? What is the operator that shifts the momentum space wave function to ? How does that operator change ?
5. Prove:
by writing the
A unitary squeeze operator is defined by:
Use the result for above to prove that:
Deduce that
so for positive θ, the wave function is scaled down—squeezed—in x space, but simultaneously expanded in p space, as it must be, since it was a minimum uncertainty packet.
Is it still a minimum uncertainty packet? Is it still an eigenstate of the annihilation operator? If not, what is it an eigenstate of? How do you think it develops in time?