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Problem 7.17


Wee want to find the velocity where the child will leave the slide. If we assume that he leaves the slide at a height h, then we know that from conservation of energy



or tex2html_wrap_inline348 . Now, if we sum the forces for the child on the circular part of the slide and set the sum equal to the mass of the child times his centripital acceleration, we get


we know that the weight of the child is given by

tex2html_wrap_inline352 , where tex2html_wrap_inline354 is the angle from the ground to the position of the child measured along the arc of the circle. Plugging in we find


Now, consider the point when the child leaves the slide. At that point, the Normal force on the child by the slide is zero. Also plugging in our value for the velocity found above, we get


From observing the angle tex2html_wrap_inline354 , we can see that tex2html_wrap_inline362 , so solving for h, we find



Notice that this only holds if the child leaves the slide at the point where the slide is circular. If tex2html_wrap_inline370 , then the velocity will be too large to keep the child on the slide once the slide becomes circular, so he will then leave the track at h = R

Jason George Zeibel
Thu Oct 30 00:58:31 EST 1997