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Oscillations of a star

A star undergoes some mode of oscillation. How does the frequency tex2html_wrap_inline866 of oscillation depend upon the properties of the star? The first step is the identification of the physically relevant variables. Certainly the density tex2html_wrap_inline1110 and the radius R are important; we'll also need the gravitational constant G which appears in Newton's law of universal gravitation. We could add the mass m to the list, but if we assume that the density is constant as a first approximation, then tex2html_wrap_inline1118 , and the mass is redundant. Therefore, tex2html_wrap_inline866 is the governed parameter, with dimensions tex2html_wrap_inline1004 , and tex2html_wrap_inline1124 are the governing parameters, with dimensions tex2html_wrap_inline1030 , [R]=L, and tex2html_wrap_inline1130 (check the last one). You can easily check that tex2html_wrap_inline1124 have independent dimensions; therefore, n=3, k=3, so the function tex2html_wrap_inline1070 is simply a constant in this case. Next, determine the exponents:


Equating exponents on both sides, we have


Solving, we find a=c=1/2, b=0, so that


with C a constant. We see that the frequency of oscillation is proportional to the square root of the density, and independent of the radius. Once again, the determination of C requires a real theory of stellar oscillation, but the interesting dependence upon the physical parameters has been obtained from dimensional considerations alone.

Vittorio Celli
Thu Jul 10 16:27:59 EDT 1997