A star undergoes some mode of oscillation. How does the frequency of oscillation depend upon the properties of the star? The first step is the identification of the physically relevant variables. Certainly the density and the radius R are important; we'll also need the gravitational constant G which appears in Newton's law of universal gravitation. We could add the mass m to the list, but if we assume that the density is constant as a first approximation, then , and the mass is redundant. Therefore, is the governed parameter, with dimensions , and are the governing parameters, with dimensions , [R]=L, and (check the last one). You can easily check that have independent dimensions; therefore, n=3, k=3, so the function is simply a constant in this case. Next, determine the exponents:
Equating exponents on both sides, we have
Solving, we find a=c=1/2, b=0, so that
with C a constant. We see that the frequency of oscillation is proportional to the square root of the density, and independent of the radius. Once again, the determination of C requires a real theory of stellar oscillation, but the interesting dependence upon the physical parameters has been obtained from dimensional considerations alone.