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Gravity waves on water

Next consider waves on the surface of water, which are simple gravity waves if the effect of surface tension can be neglected (this is valid for long waves, while for short ripples the surface tension is dominant and gives rise to capillary waves; gravity and surface tension are equally important at a wavelength of 5 cm). How does the frequency tex2html_wrap_inline866 depend upon the wavenumbergif1 k of the wave? The relationship tex2html_wrap_inline1154 is known as the dispersion relation for the wave. The relevant variables would appear to be tex2html_wrap_inline1156 , which have dimensions tex2html_wrap_inline1030 , tex2html_wrap_inline1006 and tex2html_wrap_inline1162 ; these quantities have independent dimensions, so n=3, k=3. Now we can determine the exponents:


so that


with the solution a=0, b=c=1/2. Therefore,


with C another undetermined constant. We see that the frequency of water waves is proportional to the square root of the wavenumber, in contrast to sound or light waves, for which the frequency is proportional to the wavenumber. This has the interesting consequence that the group velocity of these waves is tex2html_wrap_inline1174 , while the phase velocity is tex2html_wrap_inline1176 , so that tex2html_wrap_inline1178 . Recall that the group velocity describes the large scale ``lumps'' which would occur when we superimpose two waves, while the phase velocity describes the short scale ``wavelets'' inside the lumps. For water waves these wavelets travel twice as fast as the lumps.

You might worry about the effects of surface tension tex2html_wrap_inline1180 on the dispersion relationship. We can include these in our dimensional analysis by recalling that the surface tension is the energy per unit area of the surface of the water, so it has dimensions tex2html_wrap_inline1182 . The dimensions of the surface tension are not independent of the dimensions of tex2html_wrap_inline1156 ; in fact, it is easy to show that tex2html_wrap_inline1186 , so that tex2html_wrap_inline1188 is dimensionless. Then using the same arguments as before, we have


with tex2html_wrap_inline1070 some undetermined function. A calculation of the dispersion relation for gravity waves starting from the fundamental equations of fluid mechanics [5] gives


so that our function tex2html_wrap_inline1192 is


Dimensional analysis enabled us to deduce the correct form of the solution, i.e., the possible combinations of the variables. Of course, only a complete theory could provide us with the function tex2html_wrap_inline1192 .

What have we gained? We originally started with tex2html_wrap_inline866 being a function of the four variables tex2html_wrap_inline1198 ; what dimensional analysis tells us is that it is really only a function of the combination tex2html_wrap_inline1188 , even though we don't know the function. Notice that this is an important fact if you are trying to measure the dependence of tex2html_wrap_inline866 on the physical parameters tex2html_wrap_inline1198 . If you needed to make (say) 10 separate measurements on each variable while holding the others fixed, then without dimensional analysis you would naively need to make tex2html_wrap_inline1206 separate measurements. Dimensional analysis tells you that you only really need to measure the combinations gk and tex2html_wrap_inline1188 , so only need to make 102 measurements to characterize tex2html_wrap_inline866 . Dimensional analysis can be a labor-saving device!


gif1 Recall that k = 2 p/l, where l is the wavelength

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Vittorio Celli
Thu Jul 10 16:27:59 EDT 1997