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Lecture 1, Jan 15, 98

Review of electrostatics: Coulomb's law, relation of field to potential, E = - ÑV. Charge distribution on insulators and conductors.

Assigned reading: Bloomfield, section 11.1

Assigned problem set 1 (field enhancement at a bump)


Lecture 2, Jan 20

Continued review of electrostatics: Ñ × E = 0, Ñ · E = r/e0 (or Ñ · E = 4pr in gaussian units) and Poisson's equation Ñ2V = - r/e0 (or Ñ2V = - 4pr in gaussian units). In charge-free space tex2html_wrap_inline222 (Laplace's equation). Analogy of electric field to fluid velocity for an incompressible, non-viscous fluid. Dipole moment; field of a dipole, force on a dipole (proportional to field gradient). Induced dipole on a conducting sphere and on a molecule. Electrical discharges.

Demos: discharges from domes and a sharp point; Jacob's ladder (effect of previous discharges)

References: same as last lecture.

Problem session 1

Given hints on solving problem set 1, using MAPLE to do the plots. Handed out MAPLE help sheet.

Lecture 3, Jan 22

Demos: precipitating smoke particles; shown ''insides'' of electrostatic air cleaner.

Assigned problem set 2 (engineering of electrostatic precipitator; energy and wavelength of emitted photon)

Capacitance and capacitors. Review of quantum mechanics: action, phase, sum over all possible paths with a phase factor, uncertainty principle, spin and the Pauli exclusion principle, plane wave solution of the time-dependent Schrodinger equation, E = hf = w and p = k.

What is quantized? Action is quantized in units of h; as a consequence, other quantities are quantized too, but not so simply.
What is action? It is a quantity with dimensions ML2T-1; it can be energy × time, or momentum × length. Angular momentum has the same dimensions as action and is simply quantized in units of .
What is spin? It is something like the internal angular momentum of an elementary particle. However, electrons (and quarks) have spin /2, which is weird. Photons have spin . One often says that electrons have spin 1/2 and photons have spin 1.
What is the Pauli exclusion principle? Read about it in Serway, page 860, as it applies to electrons. Actually, it applies to all elementary particles with spin 1/2 (called fermions) and is mysteriously related to their unusual spin. It also applies to composite particles with half-integer spin (1/2, 3/2, etc.).


Note however that these references use Planck's constant h instead of , so that some formulas look a little different. Physics articles today almost always use , unless they use "atomic units" in which is set equal to 1. See last semester's lecture on atomic units.
Phys 252 lectures are at
The Phys 311 lecture is at

Lecture 4, Jan 27

- Particle in a box (one dimensional); obtained energy eigenvalues


where n is a positive integer. Plotted eigenfunctions tex2html_wrap_inline228 for n=1,2,3. One can write tex2html_wrap_inline232 where tex2html_wrap_inline234 is the ground state energy.

- Harmonic oscillator; eigenvalues


where n is a positive integer or zero. One can write tex2html_wrap_inline236 where tex2html_wrap_inline238 is the ground state energy, also called the zero-point energy.

- Classical Kepler problem (hydrogen atom, neglecting spin and relativistic correction); there are bound states (E<0) that correspond classically to elliptic orbits, and scattering states (E>0) that correspond classically to hyperbolic orbits. The bound state eigenvalues are given by Balmer's formula


where n is a positive integer and tex2html_wrap_inline234 is the ground state energy. For hydrogen, tex2html_wrap_inline246 eV.

- Schrödinger equation for a many-electron atom:


tex2html_wrap_inline248 is the potential due to the nucleus:


and tex2html_wrap_inline250 is the coulomb potential of interaction between the electrons:


where tex2html_wrap_inline252 and so on. For the time-independent equation, replace tex2html_wrap_inline254 by tex2html_wrap_inline256 .

The presence of tex2html_wrap_inline250 makes the problem intractable analytically. Numerical solutions are obtained by starting with the approximation that each electron moves in the average potential of the others. In this way accurate results can be obtained not only for atoms, but also for molecules and chunks of matter.

References: Serway, chapter 29; PQRG, page 93; Fowler's notes for Phys 252, especially "Electron in a box" and the rest of the "Schrodinger equation" section.

Problem session 2

Assignment 1 solution: how to compute the gradient in cartesian and spherical coordinates. Using MAPLE: field plots using gradplot, integrals using int, range and properties of variables using assume and about. Given hints for problem set 2.

Lecture 5, Jan 29

Assigned problem set 3 (complex numbers, coupled pendulums, two-level quantum system)

Demos: two and three coupled pendulums, array of coupled torsion bars, standing waves and travelling waves.

Reviewed complex numbers and the quantum phase factor exp(-iwt). Demonstrated energy transfer and eigenmodes in coupled pendulums, as a model of two coupled quantum states. The wavefunction of the coupled quantum states is


and the time evolution is given by


Considered the case when tex2html_wrap_inline260 (identical atoms, for instance). There are two eigenstates: one with tex2html_wrap_inline282 (bonding orbital, energy E+V), and one with tex2html_wrap_inline286 (antibonding orbital, energy E-V). For N atoms, get a band of N eigenstates of the whole system from each atomic level (eigenstate of one atom). Filling of bands. Metals (good conductors), semiconductors and insulators.


Question: In the equations for two coupled quantum states (such as atomic orbitals), what is V and does it have dimensions of energy?

Answer: In this case V denotes a number (not a function of x,y,z as it did in electrostatics) and represents an energy of interaction, suitably weighted over the atomic orbitals. For example, consider two hydrogen atoms that share one electron (hydrogen molecular ion). Then, in gaussian units,


where tex2html_wrap_inline290 denotes the position of the electron, tex2html_wrap_inline292 and tex2html_wrap_inline294 those of the nuclei (just protons in this case); tex2html_wrap_inline296 and tex2html_wrap_inline298 are the atomic eigenfunctions that were denoted as tex2html_wrap_inline300 and tex2html_wrap_inline302 for short.

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V. Celli, Univ. of Virginia
Fri Jan 16 00:09:32 EST 1998