Instructions for Downloading Data from the HP54503A Oscilloscope to Computer.

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  1. Make sure the scope and computer (the 386 tower computer next to the nmr experiment) are connected via a GPIB cable.
  2. Start LabVIEW.
  3. In LabVIEW, open the file which is located in C:\LABVIEW\HP54503.LLB\
  4. Click on the arrow -> button in the upper left-hand corner to run once it has loaded.  Adjustments to the oscilloscope voltage, time scales, channels, etc must be made using the various controls in the window.  All the controls do not fit on a single screen.  Use the scroll bar on the right side of the screen to scroll through the various controls.
  5. To save data to a file, you must click on the "Save to file?" switch in the window to change it to "on."  You must also input a file name you wish to save the data to by clicking on the "Datafile name" indicator and entering the file name.  The indicator must be given the path also, for example C\data\myfile.  Running by clicking on the arrow button as before will accept input from the scope and save it to the file.
  6. If you want to get the scope running again after using, push the "local" button on the scope and then the "stop/run" button.