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Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) involves the interaction of a population of nuclear spins in a d.c. magnetic field with an r.f. field at their precession frequency. This frequency is given by

n = g(e/4pM)B
where g is the nuclear g-factor and M is the proton mass. For hydrogen (i.e., protons), n/B = 4.26 MHz/Kilogauss, with variations of several ppm depending on the local environment of the proton (chemical shift). Thus for n = 30 MHz, B = 7.046 K Gauss. Pulsed NMR uses pulses of radio frequency magnetic fields of controlled amplitude and duration to manipulate the nuclear spins in particular ways; for instance, to rotate them by an angle of p or p/2 from their initial direction of polarization.

The apparatus required for NMR consists of a magnet to produce a uniform d.c. field H0, a small coil surrounding the spin-containing sample to allow application of an r.f. magnetic field H1, and another (or the same) coil to pick up the induced magnetic flux produced by the precessing spins. The electronic components described here allow the generation of suitable r.f. pulses and the detection of the induced flux.


Magnet power supply - Harvey-Wells Magnet with Walker Scientific Power Supply

Shut down:

  1. [IMPORTANT] Turn "course current" adjust to 0.
  2. When current = 0, push "dc off" button. [VERY IMPORTANT to do step 2 before 3!]
  3. Turn off power switch.
  4. Turn off water.

Spectrometer: Digital Timing Panels

R: 100 × 103 ms   R  Recurrent Sync   
L: 50 × 103 ms   R
A: 202 × 100 ms   R  Analog  1-10 µs 
B: 101 × 100 ms   R  Analog  1-10 µs 


Programmer, Master  Blanking = 1 turn CW 
Pulse Gen A = 1 - 10 m
B = 1 - 10 m
0o/90o 0o/180o Coarse.  Don't change unless necessary
Operator Ch1 = f 
Ch2 = f
Att. 0 db
Rf Combiner Att. 0 db   CCW
Ref 0o 180o CCW 
Receiver 5ms, Att.12db  CCW+3tCW


Turn on the power amplifier, with gain set 1/5 turn from minimum (min. = fully CCW). Make sure the sample tube is filled to 5-7 mm and the sample is centered axially in the coil, using the mark on the outside of the probe cover. Assume the probe is already tuned (see elsewhere for tuning procedure).

Monitor the "detected output" from the receiver on the oscilloscope, using about 1 ms/div and enough gain to see just a little noise. Adjust the magnetic current slightly to find the resonance. When you find something, adjust the current a little farther to make sure it is not a sideband (due to gating r.f. into pulses). Fine adjust the magnet current to maximize the period of the beat between the free precision and the 30 MHz reference. After the magnet drift has decreased to a reasonable rate, engage the flux stabilization circuit (see below).

Set up a p-pulse: (Channel A -> 1)

Start with the analog pulse width vernier fully CCW (1 ms). Turn CW until the initial amplitude of the free induction decay (FID) signal is maximum and continue until it decreases to zero. You may have to go to the 10-100 ms range, but start on 1-10 ms to be sure you get the first zero. Connect the scope to an unused "pulse output" jack on module "B" and measure the pulse width.

Set up a p/2-pulse: (Channel b ->2)

(1) Adjust for the (first) maximum initial FID amplitude; or better: (2) set width to half that of a p-pulse. For more precise setting, use the multiple pulse procedure described later.

Set phase adjustments:

Since only relative phases matter, the three sets of phase controls (Channel 1, Channel 2, and reference) are redundant. Therefore leave the Channel 1 settings fixed (unless it is convenient to introduce a 90o or 180o shift there; but leave the continuous adjustments fixed in any case). With an approximately p/2 pulse from Channel A/Channel 1, adjust the reference phase to maximize the initial amplitude of the FID.  [NOTE: Due to a bad relay, the channel 1 switch "0/90 deg" should be left on 0 deg.  Change the phase of the receiver instead.]

Standard pulse sequences

Initial reading:
  1. Slichter, 2nd edition, pp. 1-42, especially classical sections, especially pp. 1-10 and 38-42.
  2. Fukushima and Roeder, pp. 1-35, especially pp. 25-35.
  3. Gerstein and Dybowski, (Reference for pulse sequences).
The quantities which can be determined in NMR are the number of spins of a particular type (~strength of signal); the chemical shift (i.e., the exact magnetogyric ratio); and the longitudinal (T1) and transverse (T2) relaxation times. These relaxation times were introduced by Bloch (Phys. Rev. 70, 460 (1946); see also Slichter or most any textbook). T1 is the characteristic time for recovery of the magnetization along the static field to its thermal equilibrium value. T2 is the intrinsic time constant for decay of a transverse magnetization which is precessing around the static field (in the x - y plane); this relaxation may be enhanced by processes, such as dipole-dipole coupling between spins, which do not contribute to T1. Finally, T2* describes the non-intrinsic decay of a transverse magnetization due to inhomogeneity of the static field: spins at different positions in the sample will precess at different rates, and soon they will average to zero. We will be mostly concerned with measuring these relaxation times.

(1) Single p/2-pulse (or any pulse length not equal to np):

(2) Sequence p, delay t, p/2:
    The initial p-pulse tilts the magnetization from the +z to the -z direction (from an energy level point of view, it inverts the population of the nuclear Zeeman levels). The magnetization then relaxes towards equilibrium (+z) with time constant T1. So far we see nothing because only magnetization precessing in the x - y plane can be detected. The p/2 pulse after delay tilts whatever z-magnetization Mz (t) exists at that time, whether negative or positive, into the y-direction. This gives a signal whose initial magnitude is proportional to Mz (t). The experiment is repeated for different values of t and compared to the predicted relation:
    Mz(t) = M0[1 - 2exp(-t/T1)]

    to obtain T1. Note that Mz (t) = 0 at = T1ln2.

(3) Sequence (p/2)x, delay t, px (spin echo): Now some extended pulse sequences:

(4) Flip-flop sequence, [(p/2)x , t]n:

(5) Alternated-phase flip-flop sequence [(p/2)x , t , (p/2)-x , t]n: (6) Carr-Purcell sequence: (p/2)x , t , [px , t]n: (7) Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) sequence: (p/2)x , t , [py , 2t]n: (8) Waugh-Huber-Haeberlen (WAHUHA) sequence:  


  1. Find the resonance in "dirty"* water and observe FID. (* dilute solution of NiCl, barely yellow, to reduce T1 to a reasonable value.)  Or use mineral oil.
  2. Setup p and p/2 pulses and study various pulse sequences qualitatively, getting rough delay times.
  3. Measure T2*, T2, and T1 by one or more methods and try to understand any differences in values for different methods.
  4. See effect of different impurity concentrations in the water; look at protons in mineral oil or possibly methanol.
  5. Possibly look at 19F in a compound such as CCl2F2 (freon).


Front Panel Coax Connections

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