Physics 641: Physics Pedagogy
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Week 2 AssignmentsAssignment 1: Lesson Plan ModificationModify a lesson plan that you have used in the past (or create a new one) to incorporate the NOS and specifically address at least 3 of the tenets of the NOS as outlined in the Abd-El-Khalick et al. article, on page 418, paragraph 2 of "The Nature of Science" section. In this case we mean a lesson plan that you use for one class period. Use the lesson plan document template found here. Upload your lesson plan to the Open Portfolio server as HW2. Deadline: 5 am, February 5, 2007.Assignment 2: Lesson Plan CritiqueReview the lesson plan assigned to you that was submitted by a classmate and provide feedback. The name of the classmate and instructions on how to leave feedback in Open Portfolio will be sent to you by email on February 6. In your feedback, you must specifically mention two strengths and two areas of improvement. This feedback must be done in Open Portfolio and should be no less than 150 words long. A copy of your feedback should be submitted as HW 3 in your own area for assignments. Your feedback will be due by 5 am, February 10, 2007. Assignment 3: NOS in Science StandardsThe National Science Education Standards state that the eight content standards are
"The standard for unifying concepts and processes is presented for grades K-12, because the understanding and abilities associated with major conceptual and procedural schemes need to be developed over an entire education, and the unifying concepts and processes transcend disciplinary boundaries. The next seven categories are clustered for grades K-4, 5-8, and 9-12. Those clusters were selected based on a combination of factors, including cognitive development theory, the classroom experience of teachers, organization of schools, and the frameworks of other disciplinary-based standards." "The sequence of the seven grade-level content standards is not arbitrary: Each standard subsumes the knowledge and skills of other standards. Students' understandings and abilities are grounded in the experience of inquiry, and inquiry is the foundation for the development of understandings and abilities of the other content standards. The personal and social aspects of science are emphasized increasingly in the progression from science as inquiry standards to the history and nature of science standards. Students need solid knowledge and understanding in physical, life, and earth and space science if they are to apply science." The full context for the above text can be found here. Write a paper of 750-850 words in Microsoft Word arguing for or against the placement of "history and nature of science" in the list of standards. Support your position with examples of how it enhances (or does not enhance) or is important (or not) to the solid understanding of the other standards. Use examples from the classroom or from accounts of scientific research to support your argument. Upload your paper to Open Portfolio as HW4. This paper is due on Tuesday, February 6, 2007 before 5 a.m. Go to Syllabus for Week 2 |