Ch. 1 - Part 1

Lecture 1: Basic Electrostatics

Coulomb's law, electrostatic field

The force between two charges is given by Coulomb's law

where depends on the choice of units. In cgs electrostatic units, F is in dynes, r in centimeters, and in statcoulombs. In the MKS system, F is in newtons, r in meters, and in coulombs, and

Thus two coulombs at the distance of one meter repel each other with the very large force of or (we will usually write 9 instead of 8.988... in the following).

Two coulombs at one cm repel each other with the force of . Hence


If charge q is at point x and charge is at point , the Coulomb force is directed along the vector :


This force can be regarded as the product of q times the electric field E produced by at x. E depends on and we can write

For an arbitrary distribution of charges , we have

and for a continuous charge distribution, :


Insert on properties of -function as needed


Gauss's law

If the surface S encloses the charges

where the normal is directed outwards. This is proved by noting that for a single charge q (see Jackson's Fig. 1.2)

so that the flux of the electric field through the area element da is

where is the solid angle subtended by da.


For a continuous distribution

where V is the volume enclosed by S. Using the divergence theorem

we obtain the differential form of Gauss's law


Applications of Gauss's law

These are left by Jackson as Problems, and can be found in more elementary books. There are three basic types:

The potential and Poisson's equation

The field of a unit point charge is . The field of a set of charges can also be written as a gradient:

where is the electrostatic potential:

For any function , . Hence

The physical meaning of is as follows: if there are no charges at infinity, so that , then is the work required to bring a unit charge from to (the other charges being fixed). More generally, the work required to bring a charge q from point A to point B is

The work done depends only on the end points, not on the path; hence the net work in going around a closed path is zero; the electric field is conservative. These properties are just a consequence of as can also be seen from Stokes' theorem:

where S is any surface bounded by the closed contour C.


The esu unit of potential is the .

The MKSA unit is the . Thus


Starting from Coulomb's law we have derived the two differential field equations of electrostatics

The most general solution of the first equation can be written , where at this point is unspecified. Inserting in the second equation, we find that must satisfy the Poisson equation:


Conversely, one can show directly that the only solution of the Poisson equation that vanishes at infinity is the familiar


To prove that (1.3) is a solution of (1.2), we make use of

which is really nothing but Poisson's equation when is a point charge. If this equation is granted, then

gives immediately .

Then, putting , all we need to show is that

The easiest way to proceed is to note that for

but for r=0 we have a singularity with integrated strength

by the divergence theorem. The integral is conveniently evaluated on a sphere of finite radius r, and it gives .

Another way to handle the singular behavior is to replace 1/r with a ``regularized'' function, such as

and then let . This is done in Jackson and may appeal to the rigor-minded. ``Regularization'' procedures of this type are a way of life in quantum electrodynamics, so Jackson takes the opportunity to show one here.


Fields of point, line, and surface charges

Vittorio Celli
Sat Jan 20 20:25:33 EST 1996