Phys 743 - EM II

Final exam - 18 Dec. 1995


Light is incident on a free electron at rest. Classically, what is the angular distribution of the scattered radiation if the incident light is (a) linearly polarized? (b) circularly polarized ( c) unpolarized? Are they the same as for the scattering from a small dielectric sphere? Explain.


Light is incident on a free electron at rest. Classically, what is the total scattering cross section (Thomson cross section)? One can define a classical electron radius by equating to the energy of a charged sphere of radius (up to factors of order 1). What is and how is it related to the Thomson cross section?


(a) Consider a uniform medium (a plasma or a metal, if you wish) containing N free electrons per unit volume. What is the effective dielectric constant of this medium?

(b) Now consider a sphere of radius containing just one electron and assume that the electron is somehow uniformly distributed over the volume of the sphere. Compute the photon cross section for this (small) sphere and compare it with the Thomson cross-section. Are they the same? Explain.


A photon of frequency is incident on a free electron at rest. If the photon's frequency after collision is and its scattering angle in the laboratory is , what is the relation between and (Compton's formula)? What are the energy and the momentum of the recoiling electron?


Write down the Lagrangian for an electron in an electromagnetic field and show that the resulting Euler equations are the same as the Einstein-Lorentz equations of motion. You can use either the 3-dimensional formulation or the manifestly covariant 4-dimensional formulation.


(a) An electron of energy E is moving in the xy plane in the presence of a constant magnetic field What are the angular frequency and the radius R of the resulting orbit, as measured in the lab? Give numbers for and when .

(b) What are the corresponding frequencies and radii in the electron's rest frame?

(c) Suppose the electron's velocity makes an angle with . What are then the angular frequency of the xy motion and the radius of the spiral in the lab? In the electron's rest frame? (Formulas only).


Consider an electron moving perpendicularly to a constant magnetic field and describe the emitted radiation when its energy is (a) (b) .



The angular distribution for Thomson scattering is the same as for the scattering from a small dielectric sphere, or from any object with an isotropic polarizability in the dipole approximation.

(a) where is the angle between the incident polarization and the scattering direction . See Comment 1.

(b) and (c) , where is the scattering angle. The polar plot is a ``peanut''.


The Thomson cross section is By setting we find Thus

Not required: if the electron were a uniformly charged sphere, its energy would be


From and we obtain, using

Then the cross section for the sphere is

This reduces to the Thomson result for where However, corresponds to an energy much greater than The Thomson result is not valid at these energies and the comparison fails.

Here are the numbers: with , we find that and More directly, the ratio of to is just


The final electron 4-momentum is or more explicitly


The freshman way to obtain the Compton formula is to compute from this and to note that it equals The equivalent 4-vector way is to write out and to use and so on. Either way we obtain


(compare Jackson, page 682). Using this gives the more standard Compton formula

One can use (2) to eliminate or from the right hand side of the equations (1) and get other fine formulas. For instance


The 4-d treatment is in Jackson, page 576. The 3-d Lagrangian, with is

Then, using Cartesian components

The Euler equations give then

These are the components of the Einstein-Lorentz equations


(a) In the lab, and where v is the speed and p the magnitude of the momentum. For and For and

(b) In the electron's rest frame, at any energy and R is the same as in the lab.

(c) In the lab, independent of and In the electron's rest frame, at any energy and R is the same as in the lab.


Anything relating to circular motion from Jackson's pages 658-679 is acceptable here. Non-relativistic formulae apply at 1eV, highly relativistic formulae apply at 1GeV. A common error was to draw the radiation patterns as in Jackson Fig. 14.4, which is for a different case. In particular, the relativistic pattern for synchrotron radiation peaks in the direction of the velocity v and looks like a "club" in a polar plot (a cross section of the plot does not display the "rabbit ears" seen in Fig. 14.4). Compare also Jackson's Fig. 14.10 (correct) with Fig. 14.5 (not applicable).


Comment 1: Dipole scattering patterns

For linear incident polarization (problem 1a) gives With and , we have


For circular incident polarization (problem 1b), one can use with to obtain which is the same as For unpolarized incidence (problem 1c), one can average eq. (3) over

This is a formal way of doing things and is spelled out here because the method used in class seems to have left some people insecure. That method was to start from and sum over two orthogonal orientations of


Comment 2 : Numbers for orbits in magnetic fields (problem 6a)

In cgs units, the angular frequency in the lab is In MKS units, it is A common error was to plug MKS units into the cgs formula.

For we can put Then the angular frequency is

The speed is given by

and then These values are typical for cyclotron resonance in solids.

For the electron is highly relativistic, because and

Then The speed is practically c, hence the radius is These values are typical for electron synchrotrons.

A more direct way to get R for E = 1 GeV (when also) is provided by Jackson's eq. (12.24), which comes from R = pc/eB:

Vittorio Celli
Wed Dec 27 18:18:51 EST 1995