Phys 743 - EM II

In-class test 1 - 26 Sept. 1995


(a) What is the general behavior of for ? A full answer is needed for the following.

(b) Show that the sum rule

follows from the dispersion relation

and from the behavior of for Supply the meaning of N and m.

(c) The intensity of a plane wave propagating in the z direction with frequency is observed to be proportional to Relate the attenuation constant to the imaginary part of the index of diffraction in the medium.

(d) What is the relation between and the complex index of diffraction ? Can one write dispersion relations for

(e) By an argument similar to that in (b), or otherwise, evaluate

for a non-magnetic medium (


Consider a cylindrical cavity (not necessarily a circular cylinder) with the axis in the z direction. Assume that the walls are perfectly conducting.

(a) What are the boundary conditions for the E and H fields on the side walls?

(b) What are the boundary conditions for E and H on the end walls?

(c) Describe qualitatively the lowest TM mode. You may use a cavity with a rectangular or circular cross section as an example.

(d) Describe qualitatively the lowest TE mode. You may use an example as above.

(e) Which mode has lowest frequency for a long, thin cavity? For a short cavity?


(a) Write down the expression for the skin depth in a medium of d.c. conductivity and magnetic permeability at frequency Describe conditions under which this expression is valid.

(b) Under the above conditions, how is the surface current K related to the E field at the surface? How is it related to the B field at the surface?

(c) What is the power dissipated per unit surface area?



(a) where N is the electron density, m the electron mass. This formula also implies that faster than .

(b) Compare with .


(d) One can, because and have no zeros for .

(e) Compare with .

Get or



(a) and (b) If we introduce components parallel and perpendicular to the wall, such as and the conditions on any wall are and In particular on the end walls and

(c) In the lowest TM mode does not depend on z, hence the frequency does not depend on the length of the cavity and is equal to the lowest TM cutoff for a waveguide with the same cross section.

(d) In the lowest TE mode and the frequency depends on according to


where is the lowest TE cutoff for a waveguide with the same cross section.

(e) Since (see the Examples), the lowest mode is TM for a short cavity, TE for a long cavity.

Example 1. For a box of sides with the lowest mode is TM for (short cavity) and TE for (long cavity). Explicitly, with and :

Example 2. For a circular cylinder of radius R and length the lowest mode is TM for (short cavity) and TE for (long cavity). Explicitly, with and :

Comment: Jackson uses k for For the box he uses and for the circular cylinder he uses for



(a) is valid when . One can always write and the condition is then In many good conductors and depend weakly on up to frequencies in the infrared. The surface must also be nearly flat on the scale of

(b) and


Vittorio Celli
Fri Dec 29 17:03:23 EST 1995