Fields in a cavity

Jackson works out in detail the fields in a waveguide, then uses the waveguide solutions to work out the fields in a cavity. His procedure is to break up the cavity fields into the part and the part, work on each separately, and recombine them. This can be cumbersome.

One can obtain formulas that work directly for fields proportional to any combination of sinusoidal or exponential functions. The result shown here is in cartesian coordinates, and thus it is especially suited for box-shaped cavities.

Start from Maxwell's equations written out explicitly:



Assuming only that the each field component satisfies we can obtain all the other field components from the ``superpotentials'' and


To derive (7), for example, all we need is Eq. (1) and the z derivative of (5):

Eliminate from these two equations and replace with .

Boundary conditions on E and H

Jackson is rather vague on this point. For a cavity with perfectly conducting walls and end walls perpendicular to the z axis:

on the side walls and on the end walls

on the side walls and on the end walls

To derive these boundary conditions, we note first that must be inversely proportional to the conductivity, otherwise the current would be infinite. This implies that on the side walls and on the end walls and their lateral derivatives also vanish. Then we can use and in the divergence equation to conclude that on the end walls We can also use and in the equation from to conclude that on the end walls. In general the normal component vanishes on a wall, and so do its lateral derivatives.

Finally, we show that the normal derivative vanishes on the side walls. Consider a wall element and orient the x axis normal to it. Use from and note that because it is a parallel component of and that because it is a lateral derivative of the normal component of It follows that . In general, on a wall.

Vittorio Celli
Wed Nov 15 14:56:21 EST 1995