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Proposed technique

Dombey[2] was the first to point out that the scattering of longitudinally polarized leptons on polarized nucleon targets could be used to determine the form factors of the nucleons. The procedure consists of measuring the part of the e-N elastic cross section that corresponds to the interference between the Coulomb and the transverse components of the nucleon current. The interference term is extracted from a measurement of the asymmetry in the cross section when the beam or the target polarization is reversed.

Figure 2: Coordinate system for tex2html_wrap_inline1374 with orientation of polarization axis shown.

Following Donnelly and Raskin[3, 4] we can express the inclusive e-N cross section as a sum of an unpolarized part ( tex2html_wrap_inline1378 ), that corresponds to the elastic cross section tex2html_wrap_inline1380 , and a polarized part ( tex2html_wrap_inline1382 ), that is different from zero only when the beam is longitudinally polarized (helicity h): gif


The asymmetry is then


As stated above, tex2html_wrap_inline1378 is just the elastic unpolarized free e-N cross section, and specifically for neutrons it reads


where tex2html_wrap_inline1390 is the electron's initial (final) energy, tex2html_wrap_inline1392 , tex2html_wrap_inline1394 is the neutron mass, tex2html_wrap_inline1396 is the square of the four- momentum transfer and tex2html_wrap_inline1398 are the neutron Coulomb and magnetic form factors. The polarized part tex2html_wrap_inline1382 contains two terms, associated with the possible directions of the target polarization. The full expression is given below, with the kinematic factors and the nucleon form factors both evaluated in the laboratory frame (the elastic recoil factor tex2html_wrap_inline1402 reduces to tex2html_wrap_inline1404 in the extreme relativistic limit):


where tex2html_wrap_inline1406 and tex2html_wrap_inline1408 are the laboratory angles of the target polarization vector with tex2html_wrap_inline1410 along the tex2html_wrap_inline1412 direction and tex2html_wrap_inline1414 normal to the electron scattering plane. It is clear that to extract tex2html_wrap_inline1284 the target has to be polarized longitudinally (i.e. tex2html_wrap_inline1418 ) and perpendicular to tex2html_wrap_inline1410 ( tex2html_wrap_inline1422 ). For this special condition, the asymmetry simplifies to


This result was also obtained by Arnold et al.[5] who considered the measurement of the polarization of the recoil neutron, instead of using a polarized target.

The foregoing analysis is valid for free nucleons, and it has been reinterpreted in the case of neutrons in polarized nuclei. For the specific case of polarized deuterium nuclei, the exclusive process involving the detection of the neutron after the electrodisintegration can be similarly described[3] in an expression where the interference between tex2html_wrap_inline1284 and tex2html_wrap_inline1426 is contained in the polarized part.

The neutron asymmetry is related to the deuteron asymmetry tex2html_wrap_inline1428 , as tex2html_wrap_inline1430 where tex2html_wrap_inline1432 is a correction factor (0.92) for the D-state of the deuteron.

There are different ways to exploit polarization observables for a determination of tex2html_wrap_inline1434 . One can either use a polarized beam and target as discussed above, or one can use a polarized beam and measure the polarization of the recoiling nucleon. In practice, the measurement using a polarized beam and target involves determining the experimental asymmetry


which depends on the normalized numbers of counts for two opposite helicities, tex2html_wrap_inline1436 and tex2html_wrap_inline1438 . The same expression occurs in the recoil polarimetry method, with the obvious reinterpretation of tex2html_wrap_inline1440 as the analyzing power of the polarimeter, tex2html_wrap_inline1442 ; tex2html_wrap_inline1444 is then the polarization tex2html_wrap_inline1446 of the recoiling nucleon, and tex2html_wrap_inline1448 are the numbers of counts in the up(down) segments of the polarimeter.

Our studies of these alternatives have led us to choose the polarized target technique. We have found that it allows us to measure tex2html_wrap_inline1450 over a larger range of tex2html_wrap_inline1290 than the alternative, and it avoids the difficult problem of a new calibration of the recoil polarimeter for every neutron energy (for every tex2html_wrap_inline1290 ). In addition, the same setup (target and detectors) can be used to check the experimental technique and the reaction mechanism, assumed to be quasi-free knockout , by measuring tex2html_wrap_inline1456 which is known over the tex2html_wrap_inline1290 range we wish to study.

There are two different polarized targets which provide in effect polarized neutrons, polarized deuteron and polarized tex2html_wrap_inline1460 He. We have chosen polarized deuteron, as the theoretical description of the (e, e'n) process is on a much firmer footing. For the 2N-system the final state interaction can be treated exactly, while this is questionable for A = 3. The role of the D-state in the ground state wave function and the contributions of MEC, are under better control. Accurate calculations are already available, while for A = 3 we are still speculating on the size of the effects. At the same time, a deuteron target allows the experimental check on procedures and reaction mechanism through the comparison of the d(e,e'n) and d(e,e'p) reactions. Arenhövel et al.[5] have shown that, for the case of the deuteron, the uncertainties introduced by the deuteron structure are very small if one concentrates on the strength corresponding to quasielastic e-n scattering with neutrons of small initial momentum. For such kinematic conditions and for the special case of the two-nucleon system, FSI can be accurately computed, and does not contribute significantly to the systematic errors. The effects of MEC, which for A = 2, also can be calculated with reasonable confidence, are small as well. Effects of both FSI and MEC are much smaller than the statistical and systematical errors of the experiment we propose.

To determine the region of tex2html_wrap_inline1290 where the proposed technique may be most effective, the evaluation of a figure of merit (FOM) has become customary. In the present case, the figure of merit is related to the time required to accumulate the number of counts needed to determine the asymmetry to a given precision. This number is proportional to the product of the square of the asymmetry times the cross section (averaged over the acceptances of our detectors), so the FOM is defined as


Obviously, this quantity depends on the choice of a model for tex2html_wrap_inline1284 .

Several models have been tried to describe the existing data, which extend from the photon point to tex2html_wrap_inline1476 . Among those deserving special attention are the so-called ``dipole'' model which uses the form tex2html_wrap_inline1478 , with tex2html_wrap_inline1480 , in fact setting the Dirac form factor tex2html_wrap_inline1482 to zero, in the full expression for the Sachs form factor tex2html_wrap_inline1484 ; the phenomenological parameterization of Galster et al.[7], tex2html_wrap_inline1486 ; and the models that seek a connection between the value of of the form factors at low momentum transfer and the asymptotic values of the Dirac and Pauli form factors tex2html_wrap_inline1482 and tex2html_wrap_inline1490 predicted by perturbative QCD, in particular the one proposed by Gari and Krümpelmann[8].

In Figure 3 we present the tex2html_wrap_inline1290 dependence of tex2html_wrap_inline1284 in those three instances. It can be seen that the dipole model is higher than the two others, and in fact it is an upper bound to the experimental data. On the other hand, the Galster parameterization (with the Feshbach-Lomon potential) gives a good fit for p = 5.6. We used these two models, which cover a broad range of possible values for the tex2html_wrap_inline1290 dependence of tex2html_wrap_inline1284 , to compute the FOM's. These studies show that the

Figure 3: tex2html_wrap_inline1290 dependence of tex2html_wrap_inline1284 for three different models.

scattered electron angle tex2html_wrap_inline1504 has to be as forward as possible, even though the change of FOM with angle is not large.

For increasing momentum transfer, the FOM drops by a factor of tex2html_wrap_inline1506 (depending on the model) from its maximum value to the largest momentum transfer considered here, tex2html_wrap_inline1508 . This places a practical limit on the upper value of the attainable momentum transfer, independent of other technical complications that arise from the high kinetic energy of the recoil neutrons, and the opening of inelastic tex2html_wrap_inline1510 and tex2html_wrap_inline1512 channels. Therefore, in the present experiment, we will attempt to extract tex2html_wrap_inline1284 at four values of tex2html_wrap_inline1290 , starting at about 0.5 (GeV/c) tex2html_wrap_inline1304 , up to 2 (GeV/c) tex2html_wrap_inline1304 .

To obtain these values of the four-momentum transfer, a combination of beam energies and scattering angles are chosen such as to maximize the FOM, within the laboratory capabilities and facilities. The kinematical settings we have chosen are displayed if table 1.


(GeV/c) tex2html_wrap_inline1304
tex2html_wrap_inline1526 tex2html_wrap_inline1528
tex2html_wrap_inline1532 tex2html_wrap_inline1534 tex2html_wrap_inline1536
0.50 2.85 15.00 0.269 0.757 62.05 27.95 267
1.00 3.97 15.56 0.534 1.134 54.41 35.59 533
1.50 3.97 19.87 0.800 1.463 47.45 42.53 799
2.00 3.97 24.03 1.067 1.771 41.92 48.08 1065
Table 1:   Kinematical quantities

The symbols in this table have been defined earlier, with the exception of tex2html_wrap_inline1540 which is the electron energy loss at the quasielastic peak, including the average separation energy of the nucleon; tex2html_wrap_inline1542 which is the direction of the target magnetic field relative to the beam in the laboratory reference frame (main coordinate system), and is perpendicular to tex2html_wrap_inline1410 , corresponding to the values tex2html_wrap_inline1546 ; and tex2html_wrap_inline1548 is the kinetic energy of the recoil neutrons in parallel kinematics (i.e. zero initial momentum).

The theoretical studies performed indicate clearly that tex2html_wrap_inline1550 will provide a clean determination of tex2html_wrap_inline1284 with small systematic errors. This is an important criterion given the fact that past attempts to measure tex2html_wrap_inline1284 were all limited by systematic errors in both experiment and, even more so, in the theoretical input necessary to infer tex2html_wrap_inline1284 .

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Donal Day, University of Virginia