an informal workshop w/ bagels
May 19, 2009 ♦ Room 204, Jesse Beam Laboratory
Physics Department ♦ University of Virginia
382 McCormick Road ♦ Charlottesville, Virginia
Participant List
Orang Alem
graduate student
George Mason University
oranga AT gmail DOT com
(DAMOP speaker)
Tally Altes
Associate Professor and Section Head of Pediatric Radiology
Department of Radiology at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville
taa2c AT virginia DOT edu
(Workshop speaker)
Todd Averett
Prof. of Physics
College of William and Mary
averett AT physics DOT wm DOT edu
Earl Babcock
Jülich Centre for Neutron Science at FRM II
e DOT babcock AT fz-juelich DOT de
(DAMOP speaker)
Gordon Cates
Prof. of Physics
University of Virginia, Charlottesville
cates AT virginia DOT edu
(Local organizing committee)
Wangchun Chen
Research Associate
Indiana University and NIST
wcchen AT nist DOT gov
(Workshop and DAMOP speaker)
Ping-han Chu
graduate student
Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
pinghan AT gmail DOT com
(DAMOP speaker)
Tim Chupp
Prof. of Physics
University of Michigan
chupp AT umich DOT edu
(DAMOP poster)
Zachary Cleveland
Dept. of Radiology, Center for In Vivo Microscopy
Duke University
zackary DOT cleveland AT duke DOT edu
Bastiaan Driehuys
Dept. of Radiology, Center for In Vivo Microscopy
Duke University
driehuys AT orion DOT duhs DOT duke DOT edu
(Workshop speaker)
Elizabeth Donley
NIST - Boulder
elizabeth DOT donley AT nist DOT gov
(DAMOP speaker)
Changbo Fu
Postdoctoral fellow
Indiana University and NIST
changbo.fu AT nist DOT gov
Haiyan Gao
Prof. of Physics
Duke University
gao AT tunl DOT duke DOT edu
Tom Gentile
thomas DOT gentile AT nist DOT gov
(Organizing committee)
Boyd Goodson
South Illinois University at Carbondale
bgoodson AT chem DOT siu DOT edu
(DAMOP speaker)
W. Clark Griffith
Postdoctoral Fellow
NIST - Boulder
clark DOT griffith AT boulder DOT nist DOT gov
(DAMOP speaker)
Mike Huber
graduate student
Tulane University and NIST
huberm AT nist DOT gov
(DAMOP speaker)
Yuan-Yu Jau
Research Scientist
Princeton University
yjau AT princeton DOT edu
Gordon Jones
Prof. of Physics
Hamilton College
gjones AT hamilton DOT edu
Shiv Kausik
Postdoctoral Fellow
Dept. of Radiology, Center for In Vivo Microscopy
Duke University
ssk13 AT duke DOT edu
Steve Kadlecek
Research scientist
University of Pennsylvania
Kelly A. Kluttz
graduate student
College of William and Mary
Wolfgang Korsch
Univ. of Kentucky
wkorsch AT pa DOT uky DOT edu
Brian Lancor
graduate student
University of Wisconsin
lancor AT wisc DOT edu
(DAMOP speaker)
Wai-Tung (Hal) Lee
Spallation Neutron Source
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
leewt AT ornl DOT gov
(Workshop speaker)
Zayd Ma
graduate student
University of Utah
Wilson Miller
Research scientist
University of Virginia, Charlottesville
wilson DOT miller AT virginia DOT edu (Workshop speaker & DAMOP poster)
Karen Mooney
graduate student
Univ. of Virginia
Vladimir Nelyubin
graduate student
Univ. of Virginia
John Nouls
postdoctoral associate
Dept. of Radiology, Center for In Vivo Microscopy
Duke University
john DOT nouls AT duke DOT edu
Ben Olsen
graduate student
Princeton University
bolsen AT princeton DOT edu
(DAMOP speaker)
Steve Parnell
University of Sheffield
s DOT r DOT parnell AT sheffield DOT ac DOT uk
(DAMOP speaker)
Brian Patton
Univ. of California at Berkeley
bpatton AT berkeley DOT edu
Nate Phillips
graduate student
College of William and Mary
Iulian Ruset
Xemed Inc.
Iulian DOT Ruset AT xemed DOT com
(Workshop speaker & DAMOP poster)
Brian Saam
Prof. of Physics
University of Utah
saam AT physics DOT utah DOT edu
(Workshop and DAMOP speaker)
Karen Sauer
Professor of Physics
George Mason University
ksauer AT physics DOT gmu DOT edu
Jaideep Singh
graduate student
University of Virginia
js7uq AT virginia DOT edu
(Workshop speaker)
Eric Sorte
graduate student
University of Utah
Al Tobias
Research staff
University of Virginia
Xin (Tony) Tong
Spallation Neutron Source
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
tongx AT ornl DOT gov
(Workshop speaker)
Thad Walker
University of Wisconsin
tgwalker AT wisc DOT edu
Workshop speaker, Advisory committee)
David Watt
Xemed Inc.
Qiang (Alan) Ye
Postdoctoral fellow
Duke University
yq AT tunl DOT duke DOT edu
(DAMOP speaker)
Wangzhi Zheng
graduate student
Duke University
last updated on June 3, 2009 by Jaideep Singh (js7uq AT
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