Lecture notes for 312, spring 97

The class diary contains a record of topics discussed in each class and the relevant references. Full-length notes will be handed out as the need may arise. A set of notes and other class handouts will be kept in the 312 folder on the Reserve Shelf of the Physics Library. Lecture notes and fragments that are available on the web and can be printed in various ways (see Printing Instructions at the end of this file). Movies can be viewed if Quicktime is installed.

Class diary

Carrier density in intrinsic semiconductors, also available in SWP-TeX (best viewed with Scientific Workplace).

Electric dipole radiation and simple antennas (can be viewed with Scientific Workplace) if you want live graphics).

Synchrotron radiation

Movies of fields in waveguide, best viewed on a PC with sound or on a Mac (Quicktime must be installed):
-- Reflection and guided waves
-- E and H fields in a box

Movie of radiation pattern of a rotating electric dipole. See also the caption.

Movie of scattering from an array, best viewed as a sequence of frames See also the caption.

Printing Instructions

Only this file and a few notes have been converted to the .html format and look good on the web. Such files can be printed directly from the www screen by clicking on File, Print (on a PC, you can also type Alt-fp). Other Hints for HTML files are at the end.

Most lecture notes were created in LaTeX using Scientific Workplace 2.5 (SWP25) and not converted to HTML. You can view them using SWP25 (strongly recommended) or with another TeX previewer and you can get the high quality TeX printout as in this example:
In the directory .../notes/lect02 you will find lect02.tex, lect02.dvi, lect02.ps, and some auxiliary files. If you have Scientific Work Place, just use it on lect02.tex (see Hints below). Otherwise ...
If your system is properly set up, you can view lect02.dvi and print it, or you can directly print lect02.ps; this should work (using GhostView) on the PC's and Macs in Room 315 (unless they have been reset). Or you can transfer either file to your system and play with it.
The file lect02.tex is the LaTeX source file, out of which the others were created. In order to use it, you really need Scientific Work Place. If you know about TeX, you can modify it for some other TeX processor, but this is seldom worth the trouble. However, in some cases I have made the conversion to a generic LaTeX format myself, as indicated in a comment at the top of the file, and then any Latex processor is likely to work. Good luck.

Hint on viewing:

What Netscape does with a file depends on the choices made under Options, Preferences.
A good way is to associate the .tex extension with Scientific WorkPlace (if present), so that you can directly get the same view of the file as in class. The PC's in Physics 220 are set up this way.
Another way is to associate the .tex extension with Notepad (on a PC) so that lect02.tex can be viewed as a text file, modified for your TeX processor if needed, and saved to disk for processing. It is also possible to make Netscape transfer the .tex file to disk directly.

Hints for HTML files:

The printout off the www screen is generally good if there is no math. Math shows fairly well if you use Netscape, may give trouble using Mosaic. A PC prints math better than a Mac (choose Black and White Images on a Mac, or you will get no math). I got the best results from the PC's in Room 220, Physics Building, by setting the print quality to Medium and the image quality also to Medium (in the Options menu).

Vittorio Celli
Thu Oct 12 17:44:56 EDT 1995