Celestial Journal

For the ancients, observing the motions of the objects in the heavens was an everynight experience. This is more difficult for us, because night skies are less clear and usually well lit. To reconnect your self with at least one of the celestial objects, each of you will keep a journal with the following observations. Record the date of each observation and the time to the nearest 15 minutes.

Sun: At least twice a week throughout the semester, measure the angle of the sun in degrees above the horizon around noontime. How to measure the angle of the sun will be discussed in the first problem assignment. At the end of the semester you will make a graph of the angle of the sun on the vertical axis versus the date on the horizontal axis. Be careful to make sure your time axis is linear. The graph should contain many points where each point represents the angle in degrees. Each axis should contain tick marks and labeled including the units. The graph should include a legend and a title. Do not draw a line through the points. Use Microsoft excel or something similar to plot your data and submit it using the digital drop box in Blackboard at the end of the course. A due date  and a sample plot will be posted later. Error bars on the data points are optional.

Celestial groups: To collect the above data, you may form groups of three or fewer students. You may use students in your classroom to help. The data you record in your journal must be taken by you or your students. You may also work with another teacher to form a group. Your own journal should include all the observations described above whether recorded by you or another member of your group. Your journal should describe the method you used.

Homework Assignments

  • Homework #1 due Monday September 26 by 11:59 pm.
  • Homework #2 due Monday October 10 by 11:59 pm.
  • Homework #3 due Monday October 24 by 11:59 pm.
  • Homework #4 due Monday November 7 by 11:59 pm.
  • Homework #5 due Monday November 21 by 11:59 pm.
  • Homework #6 due Monday December 12 by 11:59 pm.


  • Midterm Exam — Wednesday October 26 – Friday October 28
  • Final Exam — Wednesday December 14 – Friday December 16